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About jimimac

  • Rank
    Senior Poster
  • Birthday 02/14/1953

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    United States

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  1. When you get in, get your baggage, go up stairs to "departures" where the cabs are dropping people off and flag down a cab. Tell him you'll give him 1,000 baht to go to Pattaya. If the he says, "no," flag down another one. You probably won't have to barter with more then one, though.
  2. Never missed a flight I am good like that get to the airport well early. Only dickheads miss flights, you see them all the time on those airline programs on TV complaining.
  3. Like the beach is not polluted like the rest of Pattaya.
  4. http://www.sunviewplace-pattaya.com/ Nice hotel. I have stayed there a few times.
  5. Here's one review: A Migrant's Tale Bill Hoskins Califorina (10/31/2005) A waste of money buying and a waist of time reading
  6. Air Asia has the best fare. Can I book when I get to Bangkok for a flight the next day? I'll be in Bangkok March 1 and I want to go to Chang Mai before Pattaya. I figure, "Hell . . . I'm going to a foreingn country half way around the world I may as well see something other then beer bars and girls, girls, girls . . ." Can I book online?
  7. i just called and they told me $1000+
  8. Has anyone flown Aeroflot? They seen to have the best deal right now.
  9. Does anyone know how the Fitness Room is at the Areca Lodge? Also, I booked a Deluxe Room there. How much better are the Superior Rooms? 25 days 607 hours 36429 minutes 2185778 seconds
  10. Now that's a good idea! We should bring that up with the management!
  11. Is the Beach View Hotel closed for renovations? If so, for how long?
  12. My past few trips to Pattaya were spent at Sabai Lodge and I do love the hotel. This time I want to try something different, though. I heard the Beach View is closed for renovations and I loved their breakfast buffet, so I thinking of trying something new and going to the Areca Lodge. I've heard nothing but great things about the Areca and I know it's close to breakfast buffets, so I may want to go there. Does anyone have any feedback . . . pros or cons? I know the last thread is about the Sabai, so forgive me for being redundant. 36 days 868 hours 52129 minutes 3127744 seconds
  13. Find the hotel you want and book through the hotel.
  14. Even though it's going slow, do you think they will be finished by March?
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