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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About sowwow

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  1. Maby an good idea if you tell where you got this price?
  2. Im going to Samui for a cople of days this summer and im looking for a hotel. Can any of you members recomend any good hotel on Chaweng? guest friendly and with swimmingpool. Thnx everyone
  3. As my favourite bar is between soi 8 and 9, i have looked at that hotel many time. Its a very strange hotel...... i have never seen any tourist go in or out of there. Tha manager of my bar nr 1, tells me it a hotel the mafia use for money laundry. I dont know?
  4. I have ben in Pattaya several times in july - august, and if i remember i think we had rain 3 times last year in a period of 1 month. When the rain comes it last for 1 - 2 hours. As for the heat.....what can i say???....HOT
  5. I have no problem with the board today. And not yesterday either:(
  6. I have to buy a roundtrip ticket because she comes here on a tourist visa. Do every travel agency in Pattaya have the same price, or is it big different among them? I was hoping for a ticket to Copenhagen and then to Norway........i thnk this is the easiest way to go.
  7. Hi there Any of you know where to get the best deals for tickets to europe. Im planing to take my tg to Norway in august. But im not sure where to get the best deals, and i also heard that thai airways have something called thai prize and falang prize. Anyone know something about this?
  8. All i can say is HOT. As for the rain, it not rain everyday and the rain comes around 4-5 and last for a cople of hours. I july 2003 i stayed in Pattaya for 1 month and i think we had rain maby 5 times. Are you going to south of thailand you can expect more rain, this is for BKK to. No need to wait until desember. I already booked my trip in july. Arrive july 3 - 31. Happy holiday:)
  9. Just came home from a month in LOS and stayed at Eastiny Inn soi 8 all the time. It looks like they just have painted the hotel for the high season.....now its yellow:) Nice rooms....friendly staff........and a great location. I think the price have got up, this time i payd 950.- but waht can i do? i really like this place. They have a minimart right outside and the Best bar across the streat are one of my place for en early beer in the morning. I had no problems with BG, i even took two in my room and never had to pay any fee for the number two:) I can hardly recomend this hotel for
  10. Why dont you just arrange for a mini bus to pic you and your friends up at the airport? I always make plans before i go........its nice have a car ready when you arrive.
  11. The mail adress for Eastiny inn.......eastinyinn@hotmail.com I think they are full but you can try.....if not i might have a room available for you as i have booked 3 rooms and only need 2:).............one of my friends have to stay home:) lucky him.
  12. Hello guys. I have a reservation for 3 rooms from the 13. I only need 2 rooms, so if anybody interrested???
  13. Last time i stayed in Pattaya i stayed in Eastiny inn soi 8. As i remember there where no problem for a wheelchair to get in and out of the hotel. I think they have a ramp. Only 10 weeks and counting:)
  14. I just tryed the hackology but was not able to hack non of the emails i have to bg`s in thailand:( Maby they have some unic passwords?
  15. Thank you everyone for the responce:) I have decide to try this hotel this time. Only 11 days to go but who`s counting:):)
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