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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Sugarloafer

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    New Poster
  1. Pete, I realize this is not your doing, so please pass this on the the Yabb people. There are two ways to login. If I press login at the top of the screen, a dialog pops up. In the dialog, I enter: Username Tab Password I can also login down at the bottom of the screen. There I enter: Username Tab Tab Password They both should be the same. I use a program called TypeItIn and have a button that fills in the information. I should not need two buttons. BTW, Miscrosoft is notorious for doing this. Logging in to hotmail is always an adventure. I am now going to move my cursor
  2. The threads are in reverse chronoligical order. The responses are not. ;D
  3. Suggestion: 8) Get rid of the stay logged in check box. Question: ??? Are threads going to go away after a certain period of inactivity? Is there a way to sort the threads and response in inverse chronological order? Problem: > The message preview only lasts about 2 seconds. Maybe just my system. No matter where my cursor is, the smileys always ge inserted at the end of the message.
  4. I am running Opera 6 under Win 2K and have only one problem with the flashing text. It is extremely annoying. I really think the bright red is enough.
  5. Would it be possible to use different icons for new posts vs no new posts? The only difference seems to be the color of the dot.
  6. So the system rewards quanity over quality. Not surprising, since computers are only glorified adding machines.
  7. At least we'll all be on a level playing field for a while. ;D What does it mean? How does it change?
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