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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About BKKBound

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  1. So do we just bring her by for a GPS chip inplant? Or do you use the tried and true method of the thai grapevine hotline?
  2. Have to put my two cents in.....flew with them twice recently through CDG...airport is old and outdated and just hope you do not have a long layover there. If you have less than a 3 hour layover then get to your next gate as soon as you land. The buses that come around and take you around take their sweet time and then you have to go through a scan again and its always backlogged. Actually got bumped to business class on my last flight on a cheap airfare and I about fell over in shock. I am a skyteam member and thats why I go with them and put up with CDG. If it wasnt for that.... is
  3. No...more like the funnies sction....how did I miss this whole chain till now? I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Hope the booth is doing well and I would damn near pay for some photos of the place. Be sure and use the wide angle lens to get the whole shop I will stop by and buy a few when I am in town next........
  4. Have to also add my vote for Gary's answer.....its all up to me. Maybe an approach along the line of "Can I get you anything?" from one of the girls is vague enough to fill all the requirements by not being pushy and also checking in on them. (after of course I already have a beer in front of me) Keep up the questions Alan..its free to ask and you have a captive audience.
  5. It would be very helpful......a beer thats not cold will make my stay last about as long as that beer lasts. Cold beers and cold towels and hot women are a winning combo in my book....................I search far and wide for places that have frozen mugs and visit them often just for that usually.
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