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About Frog

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  1. The address in the Police letter is false. I understand that Peter Geister lives in "The Monaco Apartments". How somebody can make an accussation and giving false address?.................hummmm
  2. babe I made no attempts to flame your posts. No need. You flame yourself. You are undoubtelly an intelligent chap. But you use rational intelligence and absolute statements about something that you do not know, becuase you have never experienced and probably, judging by your character, you will never do. Just read your first post. Not a reflexion of the analitical and sophisticated mind you have. That's all mate! sunny, lets add "Por una mirada un cielo, por una caricia un mundo, por un beso, yo no se..yo nose que le diera por un beso". G.A.Becker.
  3. Hub , thanks for your note. Unfortunatelly I am not a native English speaking chap so it is hard for me to express clearly my point as you do. I am uncivilized as babe would say. What offends me is that the language that some chaps use in here is abusive. Probably it would be acceptable if they really have a point to make. But they have none. They demonstrate to have no experience at all in the matter, and it appreas to me that they repeat what they have heard somewhere in a pub. No problem with some expressing own ideas and opinions, and maintain "their own cultural values". My poin
  4. All the guys in here who want some help somehow just want to put down their fears or receive some affirmations. I really beleive that they ask and some advice thier experience with honesty. One fellow in here even say "I will always been played anyway..". What a honest way to see himself. Respect to you mate!. It amazes me the comment of those how "knows it all" and make the last statement about something they have never experienced or have no idea about it. All those macho man who patronise and lecture in here probably have never being able to get a woman in their own countries. I
  5. The Bank is "Siam Commercial Bank". This is were the Merchant is registered.
  6. If Harris Black was able to survive in Canada for so long then it is easy to understand how Peter Geister has survived in Thailand for so long. In here the law does not help and probably he knows it becuase in spite of all the publicity about his scams he still advertises.
  7. Somebody knows Peter Geister whereabouts?. Would love to give his adress to the Pattaya Police. I know 3 people who have made formal complains.
  8. This is a really funny topic. In Australia, Melbourne has a Greek population largest than most Greek cities (apparentry the third larger City). Considering the German and English population in Pattaya, this should be also rated very high as a German or English town. PS: Not too much to do with the topic but a point to make comments anyway.
  9. i also was cheated by this scam. none of the hotels i visited accepted the card. today i received an email from him (sent to all his card members i suppose). see below: "From : <member_e@pattayalivecam.com> Reply-To : member_e@pattayalivecam.com Sent : Wednesday, December 1, 2004 1:00 AM To : mcmillan_827@hotmail.com CC : check@pattayalivecam.com Subject : Happy Birthday Dear Peter Geister , Happy Birthday Wishes from the PattayaLiveCam Team and all Pattaya Fan Club Members. Best Regards, Nan www.pattayalivecam.com member_e@pattayalivecam.
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