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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by aurel

  1. i have reserved room on 1st floor in seaside , i wonder where you happy with service and your room?
  2. THankx Do Palm garden hotel has a website?
  3. WHo has stayed in Carlton Hotel soi 5 second road Is ist Good or Bad Some one know email adress from the hotel. I will stay Pattaya frum5/11 till 3/12 schould i reserve hotel in advance or look out when i am in Pattaya?? All suggestions for cheap hotel or room ( 500 /650 bath) near to beach raod are welcome.
  4. Arriving bangkok new airport 6/11 with china air frum amsterdam at 06.50 am. Who wants to share taxi bangkok new airport to Pattaya Will order taxi with Mr.Toom.
  5. flag is from Belgium arrive 12/04 at 06.40 mornig who wants to share taxi to Pattaya
  6. Sorry i arrive Bangkok 12/04 plane overbooked. arrival bangkok china air 12/04 at 06.40 who wants to share my taxi with mr.toom
  7. booked with mr toom answers within 12 hours prijs 1200 from bangkok to pattaya arrive 12/04 at 6.40 china air from amsterdam. Someone wants to chare taxi??????
  8. arrive bangkok 11/04 at 06.40 morning want to share taxi to bangkok. stay 1 month i am still looking for cheap hotel or appartement. Any suggestions?
  9. wie vlieg met eva airways mee vertrek 28/9 uit Amsterdam, zijn er dan personen die direkt naar pattaya doorreizen en een taxi wensen te delen???
  10. arriving bangkok 29/09 at 4.45 0'clock early morning with eva airways from amsterdam how wants to share taxi to pattaya?????
  11. i arrive 29/09 at bangkok with eva air from amsterdam go directely to pattaya anyone wants to share taxi???
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