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About Owl_

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    United States

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    California, USA
  1. I'd have to agree with you that the Hong Kong train into town is excellent. It's the easiest one I have used so far. Hopefully, the people in Bangkok will take a lesson from the way the Hong Kong trains were set up and get their train into town working as well.
  2. When I was in Rio de Janeiro around 2006, a friend of mine from Sweden mentioned to a us that we would be going to the football match Wednesday night, I knew we would be going to a soccer match. So my friends (two from Sweden and two from Finland) and myself, went to the Maracana Soccer Stadium located in Rio de Janeiro. So my thought was that people from Sweden refer to it as football! Here's a shot I took from our seats while we were there as we got there early. It is reported that the Maracana Soccer Stadium is the largest soccer stadium in the world that easily seats 100,000 sp
  3. Interesting! I thought the term soccer was used in the US for the most part. Now I'm learning that it is used in some other countries as well!
  4. WOW! I've heard about the coconut crabs before but until you posted these pictures, I never realized just how large a crab they really were. I've heard that they are delicious when cooked! But glad I'm not the one who has to tackle them to get them into the pot!!!
  5. I was also wondering about the Pasadena Lodge also Druid! Thanks sharing your experiences from your visit there! It looks like a nice place to stay in. In an area (LK Metro) that I really enjoy!
  6. Ha ha! Now that's a good one! Here's the truth about the use of either Lemon Fresh Joy dish washing soap or Listerine mouth wash to kill mosquitoes... http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/household/mosquitoes.asp DEET is most likely the best solution to repel those pesky mosquitoes!
  7. Thank you! It's working now. One other thing I just noticed is that photos are not showing when the hotels are listed in the index portion (comes up with "no image"), but they are in the website when I click on a hotel to read a review. Is this normal?
  8. Same here! I couldn't get in when I tried to look at a review a couple of hours ago!
  9. I would totally agree that the Jasmine Mansion is a very good place to stay. I spend 30 days there on my last trip to Pattaya. Nice people who run the place and the food was very good.
  10. I have eaten off of carts and sidewalk cafe's in Pattaya many times it's been some of the best Thai food I have eaten on my visits to Thailand. I usually let the Thai girls I'm with pick the place as they seem to know where all the good food is!
  11. Mulph you have a nice place and I like your rooms.
  12. I'm very sorry Valentinoxxx that you think that I do not have any friends here, due to the tone on my response to another BM here. I have pointed out in a reply that I am very easy going and I have made many friends while in Pattaya over the past three years while visiting Pattaya. I am in e-mail contact with many of those people from Hong Kong, Sweden and the US. The buying a safe would be a good investment if and when I become a long time resident in Pattaya, but I feel for short term people that it would be more of a time consuming burden then a cost saving item. If you can really
  13. Possibility! You mean you haven't already convinced some to do it! And now you're talking about a 4000 baht safe!!! What happened to the 700 baht safe? And once again your just talking theory again about saving 8000 bahts. Where's a valid example that you can show me? People don't buy theory's unless you can prove it! You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to get a "like" room that has a safe and it's the same price as the room with out a safe? Then I don't have to go thought all the trouble and time to buy a safe, then find someone to sell it too. And I'll go to the beer bars and Hell Club
  14. Totally agree with you Cenctm about Soi 13 being a great spot for a 1st timer. As a matter of fact, on my first trip to Pattaya I stayed at the Dynasty Inn on Soi 13 and loved it! The other hotels you have mentioned are good suggestions for him also. Easy access to either Beach Rd or 2nd Rd to catch the baht bus and you can be most anywhere in Pattaya in short time. Here are the links to some of those hotels on Soi 13... http://www.dynastyinn.com/beta_DynastyInnPattaya.htm http://www.sandyspringhotel.com/ http://www.whitehousecondotel.com/index.htm After he gets the la
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