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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About DutchGuy22

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    Junior Poster
  1. Action needs to be taken about all these spammers. Sure the offers are nice but the amount of topics opened is just ridiculous. Keep it all in one post or open a different forum for this.
  2. http://www.livingdollspattaya.com/news.html I dont what this article is about, nor do i know any of the guys talked about in it. I've been showcase and LD1 on numerous occasions but i just stumbled on this article last night. Any truth in it?
  3. Hi there, im looking for a condo in view talay 2 B. Im arriving in pattaya 11-08 and im staying for 4 months. Email with pictures/rates can be sent to dannyrongen@hotmail.com Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks for the compliments, it is in fact true that the Dutch are very wellspoken in the English language. It is sort of our second language. And Johan Cruijff.... well words cant describe his skills on the pitch.... Not really gaining any members on the forums....
  5. I created a Dutch pattaya forum everybody from Holland is invited! Offcourse, everybody else is invited as well but since its in Dutch, it will be a little hard to read! URL: http://s11.invisionfree.com/Pattaya_Nederland/
  6. I dont see any reviews on the internet and i dont beleive they have a site, but i have stayed there twice for a month and i must say it is a clean, good hotel with friendly staff. Anyone else been there?
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