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Everything posted by wolfeight

  1. As a Brit,and coming from a fine country which has produced major components for the entire Airbus range (windscreen wipers and mealtrays to name just two !) I would love to see Airbus do well. But what sticks in my mind when Airbus is mentioned is that jet at an airshow that decided to ignore the pilots instructions and attempt to land in a forest using its "innovative" flight envelope system. After seeing that,Im happier on a Boeing.
  2. Once heard the works bullshitter get told by when of his Female staff about to go on maternity leave "When I want to hear your opinion Ill give it to you". Hormones I reckon,but did he deserve it,and did i laugh.
  3. Just going to adjust the idle mixture
  4. Heard about the dyslexic pimp? Bought a warehouse.
  5. Train is well worth using.Cheap,high tech and looks like something out of Thunderbirds. (S.I.G.) Ideal time to visit coffeeshop. Go easy if your not used to Dutch weed,ask at the counter for some of the milder strains.The top strains will blow (or laugh ) your head off. If you dont smoke,ask for a few crystals and put them in your tea. Set the alarm on your phone so you dont "forget" you have a plane to catch. Lol Great way to start your holiday,and a nice way to make the 12 hour flight just "fly by".And dont forget while everyone else is at 32000 ft,you should be aroun
  6. Guys ,guys ,chill out.Get a stopover in AMS,3 hours min.20mins.from AMS into the city on the train. For me its into a coffee shop .Couple of joints,and a nice flight to Bangers. Or you could go hoeing! in the red light district. As they say up to you . Same same but differant.
  7. My advice,go to the castle on third road,ask for the "Mistress" and tell her to show you the "ropes" for a couple of weeks. Just expect to hang around for a while,and dont expect to do much sitting down. LOL
  8. I also think that the "face" issue can sometimes be used as blackmail against a Farang,eg.when refusing to go to a certain venue or saying no when she suggests you pay for food and libations for her so called "friends". Ive always smiled and tried to diffuse any situation in Thailand,but have had one bad experience when I refused to purchase a bottle of whiskey for a bg`s so called friends.It wasnt the money but the fact that I simply was not asked. This led to her screaming at me in the street,and her trying to scratch my eyes out.Followed by threats and abusive phone calls. I got out of
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