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About foggiepete

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  1. I have just booked the Seaside for July along with their taxi service,I did enquire about the difference between standard and superior rooms and recieved a reply from them stating the superior room has a couch and is bigger than a standard room.They only have 19 rooms. My problem was a superior room was unavailable for my stay in July (10 th trip) so I booked a standard room. Their website is easy to navigate and the rooms do look good, they also reply to emails within 24 hrs. So far so good.
  2. Best of luck with your new venture. I will be in Patters as from Monday 2nd. I will definitely pop in for a few beers next week.
  3. I,m sure this question has probably been asked before but.....Where do you guys get all these great avatars? especially the animated ones and the ones that move about ie, woman jiggling her tits/dancing ect. Are they available free from websites? Any links to free avatars appreciated Thanks fp
  4. They look very good....... and free beer and water. I know who I will be booking now ..thanks
  5. I am travelling with China Airlines on 1st june Aberdeen-Amsterdam-Bangkok. I leave Aberdeen at 9.20am flying KLM to Amsterdam then China Airlines leave at 14.45 arrive in Bangkok at 06.40am next day. I booked this flight through www.airlinenetwork.co.uk Including CC charge I paid £588.64 Their are still seats available at this price and also for different dates. I have on my previous trips always flown with KLM to Bangkok but their flight leaves later than China Airlines getting in to Bangkok at 12.30pm.I did check the KLM website the cheapest was £685 and the travel agents could not
  6. I too have booked with China Airlines from Aberdeen(Scotland) via Amsterdam to Bangkok. for £560 GBP with credit card charges £588.64.This is for June this year.Never flown with China-Airlines before,always with KLM who are wanting £670+ for the same airport connections. Good thing about CI is they get in early morning to Bangkok....6.40am.
  7. I also would like more info on your condo.Do you rent weekly, if so what is the weekly rate?or is it just monthly?.
  8. try dial a flight .com they have flights with Royal jordanian for £450 approx. don,t know what this airline is like but for that price its not bad.I have dealt with dial-a-flight.com before and they are quite reasonable.
  9. As I arrive on 5th may (coronation day) is this a public holiday,if so will all bars and clubs be shut.Also will shops be shut. Any info appreciated thanks foggiepete PS. See u all in FLB bar,(if open).
  10. Thanks for the advice guys I certainly will not use the touts but will probably use the taxi booth.
  11. I arrive in LOS 5th may 11.45 on KLM flight from Amsterdam .Any members on same flight wishing to taxi share get back to me please.As its my first time in LOS i,m not sure about transportation/taxi services.
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