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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by knockknock

  1. About Dutch Forum Wellll, sam007, or maybe it is not to have boring Brits on the forum for a change
  2. :crying Sad to see so many good guys going down in the end. I met Split Enz once in Amsterdam when they were playing the famous Paradiso Theater. Way back. Few people outside Australia and NZ will remember Paul I think , but many know the music. Is Finn still active as a musician?
  3. Tks Loytoy, I visited their photosite on Pattaya-at-night. Their full name tells the story: Premierleague Football Bar and Restaurant. Open 24/7 The website of Tim's bar is down. But I'm sure the place is still open. They seem to get lots of sportsfans from the Lek hotel opposit the place. Two good new tips. Tks again.
  4. Thanks Growler for the info. I know the place, it's well within my area, I can walk it from Yensabai in 15 minutes. The place has class and taste. And a choice of good beers. Concerning the time-difference I can only hope that the boys in brown will look the other way just for one night. I have good hope because most of the Thai policemen I've met love football too. Once I'm in Pattaya, 2 weeks from now, I will ask the staff ofcourse.
  5. Alow me to add a question to the question: WHAT ARE THE PUBS WITH THE BEST WIDE SCREENS TO WATCH FOOTBALL?? I could have started a new topic but the topics are related so - with your permission - Ill bring it up on this topic. As far as I am concerned I mean bars between Soi Pattaya Office and Tony's on Walking Street. Champions League and Britisch Football is what I am interested in. And during most of the semi finals and finals I'll be in Pattaya. As longs as the Italians dont win. Any suggestions from past or recent experiences? ( If this topic has been done
  6. OK my dime worth of information: For the last five years I have stayed at the Yensabai Condotel and for those prices I havent found anything better yet. (www.pattayarentaroom.com). Soi 17 south Pattaya. A walk away from Walking Street. And the FLB. The guy who runs the place is a German, which means everything is done gruendlich. No extra money for electricity. Girl friendly. Nice restaurant around the corner. Unlike some people I dont want my apartment to be cleaned everyday. And usually at an hour that I'm still asleep. Maybe I'm a pig. But then I always stay 30 days o
  7. Thanks for the tip Gabor. I stay at the Yensabai, which is about a 15 minutes walk from the place. I'll take the food AND the massage. Cant go wrong. Devil (Goulash is very popular in Holland)
  8. That's the spirit Cowboy, thanks for giving it a go. The town is Korat indeed. And the nickname Suki is known by is Lek. But since this is such a common name in Thailand I mentioned her real name. The owner of the FLB might still be the shortest route. And if you tell me where I can find you I'll buy you a Heineken when I'm in town. Whether we find her or not. Tks again.
  9. To Pattaya Mad It makes a change. That's why I wrote how Thailand is the land of sad stories. I've been coming to Thailand for some 8 years. I know them all. Her family doesnt even have a buffalo. Dad is truely ill, heartcondition. The Viking I mentioned visited him. I know it's a wild guess putting this subject on a Forum. Afterall, who cares? But since finding this Kevin seems a possibility I just tried. If it doenst work atleast I met some new people who love Thailand.
  10. To Wombat Suki is NOT a bargirl, not even a cashier, just visiting her sister in Pattaya back then. Who is a cleaning lady. This is no bartalk here either Wombat, the bar in this case is merely a place to get information, not carnal pleasures. I know the rules, I respect them, dont even bend them. A Thai Dick Tracy, that's something else.
  11. Sawadee Khap ANYONE WHO IS NOT STAYING IN PATTAYA DOESNT HAVE TO READ THIS. MAYBE ONLY OUT OF CURIOSITY. I am new on this Forum so let me introduce myself briefly. The name is Lody Rijff, I'm from Holland. I am 55 and dont have to work no more. Lucky me. Within a few years I will settle down in Pattaya. Money talks. I want tosettle down with a Thai lady name of Suki(plus 3 more syllables). The whole story would take up too much space. So I give you the short story (which is still about 1 Gigabyt. So fasten your seatbelts.) I have a silly way of writing my stories, but it's a true
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