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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by alesypalsy

  1. I am looking at geting a condo, i see lots advertised here at a reasonable price, but usually when so many on the market something there is not right? Can any one enlighten me to what they think of the place. Is the management bad, is it to far out of the night life? Cheers
  2. Marleyboy, I am a bit confused, was it ok that you used travelers cheques then? and did the cashing place give you the tor 3 or whatever bit of paper it is you need to prove the funds came from abroad. cheers mate I know what you are saying on them slippery arthur types, i dont trust em either.
  3. Cheers chaps, I hope you will let me buy you a beer when i arrive Regards Alex
  4. Hello all, I am relocating shortly over to LOS, I am wondering if any expats there know of any one selling a condo, I am looking for something reasonable, not a studio has to be a 1 bed unless it is a massive studio, must have pool, balcony, and nice view, prefer sea view but not really bothered if its nice, I am currently in the UK and will not be able to view for around a month so any one with pics etc would be most welcome, i am a cash buyer and want in my name not a company, any area considered if in baht bus route or walking distance of 10-20 minutes from beach road areas,
  5. Excellent stuff, i am geting more relaxed about the big move, I was really thinking was i going to make a mistake by going but what the hell is going on in blighty? nothing but the usuall and all i do here is dream about being there! See you soon chaps! One last bit of advice i am looking for any one know of nice place to rent at reasonable rates? not to far out from centre but tic tak bar area is ok if anyone knows of any places please let me know as i am sick of looking at on the net, been looking for weeks.
  6. Cheers for the advice sinbinjack i do love a curry, Funnily enough you mention sausage being bad i had the same problem in british pub soi 4 bkk about a month back, i had sausage egg an chips and the sausage was terrible, i took 1 bite and it was full of fat offle type crap,, so tough it couldnt be chewed, put me right off my meal, but to give the man a break he didnt chrge me for the meal and i ate all the chips an egg so fair play i spose, just wouldnt order it again! Still like to hear what you get upto all!!
  7. I am getting a years multiple business visa and will just renew it every year, not interested in residence as they would never give it to me anyway. Thanks for the info on crazy daves i am looking forward to testing his breakfast, the advert on tv cracks me up, i reakon he is a right chap! Any of you chaps know about owning a boat there? i was thinking of geting a cheap one to mess about on and fish off etc, is there mooring in pattaya? Cheers for the replys all its all good stuff.... P.s anyone renting out a bungalow or condo for upto 10k a month i am interested.....
  8. Hello all, new to this one as you can see, I am relocating over to los but am stuck as to move to pattaya or phuket, i think pattaya better for price for me, i am wondering what you do during the day there, i was thinking about buying a cheap bar just to keep me occupied(not for profit) , i am just looking for ideas as phuket is really looking to expensive for a full time live there, Also to add to best breakfasts i saw the advert on cable of crazy daves, any 1 been there, i couldnt find the place but would appreaciate any one who knows where it is.. Regards to all
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