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About aeolus

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  1. Customs isn't that bad that late...just go as far down to the last farang customs both and get processed. they take your picture now so it slows u down a bit.
  2. sorry about the shower. i meant i take a wash cloth and wash down that way not an actual shower, just a sponge bath it's what i should have said. it helps with the long trip to change clothes and to refresh that way.
  3. I've got a 24 hour flight include layovers and in the same boat. I get in late but will stay near Nana Plaza in BKK the first night. Then go directly to Pattaya the next day. Gives me a chance to get a shower and get some action at Nana. You won't have a problem with taxi to Pattaya that late, plus it's easy to freshen up on the plane (shower, shave, change clothers) but i prefer doing that at the hotel. It's what you prefer.
  4. i have flown that flight. i have no idea about the armrests but they do move upwards if that's what you mean so if no one is beside you can sleep okay. the flight wasn't full but that was before they didn't reduce the # of flights. i really enjoyed the flight and they have an awesome selection of movies!
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