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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by billywhizz

  1. Thanks for all the replies, especially Gus and Montydog.....thanks to your posts, I checked out Qatar and Skytrax and have gotten brill flights with an hours stop e/w in Doha for only £ 424!! Happy days. Roll on October. Thansk again.
  2. Hi, I'd be soooooooo grateful for some advice here. I am about to book flights for 2 of us to get to BKK for 4 nights, then on to Pattaya for 12 nights. We have found that the flights ( economy) are much of a muchness, pricewise. What we'd like to know is which airline is best? Which airline charges for beer etc? Which airline doesn't? Which airline has comfy seating, which airline has the best legroom? Neither of us have flown this far before and we'd be really pi**ed off if we got a crap airline. Any ideas? The shortlist is BA, KLM, Emirates or Scandinavian.........all ap
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