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Everything posted by banjo

  1. OH please, America becoming a real world player...they are the only real world player with the balls to stand up to islamic fanatics. You want a nuclear iran fucking up the entire middle east and the rest of the world? IT will be up to america to once again bomb the shit out Irans nuclear arsenal. As far as being Israels lap dog, Israel is the only true democracy in the damn middle east , guaranteeing rights to arabs and israelis. The 22 arab nations have used this 'excuse ' of Israel being the little satan to hide the despotic corruption of its own leaders. They dont give a shit about pa
  2. Hard lessons in expat paradise Brits Abroad By Kate McGeown BBC News, Bangkok Thailand: For Britons it's a friendly Asian holiday paradise. But the reality of moving lock, stock and barrel to the other side of the world has been a lot harder for some of the tens of thousands of expats. To the holidaymakers visiting Frances Khetrat's bar on a picturesque Thai beach, it must seem as if she has the perfect life. Every day she takes a wooden long-tail boat across the sea, to a sandy bay overlooked by imposing limestone cliffs. "I often think how lucky I am, when I rem
  3. Ill be there next week, staying at the LK metropole. That is if they didnt over book and don't have my confirmed room :)
  4. What is the 'true' policy for guests at the Hard Rock Cafe.....I would like to stay at a nice place next december, but man i just hate the hassles.
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