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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Happy New Year everyone.....


If you want to continue celebrations, then i am Hosting a Karaoke/Live music Gig ON WEDNESDAY, 3 JAN - 2100 for 2 Farang holding their Birthday Parties in TAFFY'S BAR SOI 13/14 (just up from 'Secrets' and 'Angel witch' GG's). You can get up soi 13/14 from Walking St or 2nd road!!


As I said, I(and me old mucker 'Vidman') will be doing DJ/Karaoke and a wee touch of Live Music (Bay City Rollers 'tribute' act) and a bit of 'Rock-and-Roll' . I have did a few gigs in this Bar which is now under new ownership. Usual Free food and the Beers are very reasonable!!!!


If you like a good Farang party and can sing a few notes, then you will have a great time!!


Come in and say hello to the 'Rambo'..... I will be hoggin the DJ Booth!!




Edited by rambo
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