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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Travelling from Ireland

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I am hoping and guessing that some of my fellow countrymen have made the trip to BKK via AMsterdam using China Airlines as they appear to offer the best deals at the minute.


What I am wondering is do Aer Lingus issue both boarding passes when you check in at Dublin or do you have to check in/go to transfer desk in Amsterdam. If so does this take up much time.


Last time I went was via Dubai, first leg with Aer Lingus, second leg with Emirates. On way out I got both boarding passes in Dublin which was extremely convienent but on way back only got boarding for BKK to Dubai. Nearly missed flight from Dubai to Dublin due to the chaos at Dubai airport.


Would appreciate any info from anyone who has made the Dub-Ams-BKK with China Airlines or of course the return journey.

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My buddies always use the China Air route and I checked with them - they always get both boarding passes both ways.


I fly Air France mainly but will be using Etihad next week as the timings suit me much better. Hope to use Etihad more often if the next flights go well. Did the same thing with the layover in Dubai and it was a nightmare - I know how you feel LOL


Have a safe trip - hope all goes well.



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