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Kevin Meacher, of Jasmine Mansion fame, has loads of new stories on his blog, Riff-Raffles. As some of you know, Kevin is in the process of getting a divorce from his Thai wife. Several of the stories touch on the subject and his wife has been leaving all sorts of comments on the blog. Here are some samples and links to the newest stories.


Rabies and Raving Neighbours

The past couple of weeks in Pattaya have seen me hit by a series of minor, yet nonetheless debilitating, illnesses. It appears that no sooner am I through one ailment, the next is knocking on my door and barging in without waiting for a welcome. I have considered asking for a season ticket at the local hospital, such is the frequency of my visits recently.


Unfortunately the visits to the hospital have not been for me, as both Sam and James have been in need of medical attention. Sam, who has a devil may care attitude to life, came off his bicycle whilst playing in our village. He sustained some pretty nasty looking gashes to his foot and although he avoided the need for stitches, his foot is heavily bandaged and very concerned he may miss the start of the school football season. James is a rather more circumspect child, although his injuries were also as a result of him riding his bicycle around the village. However, with James it was not through his actions that he was harmed. As he rode past one of our neighbour’s houses, they opened their front gate allowing a rather ferocious “pet” dog to escape onto the street and immediately set about attacking my six-year old. Fortunately the owner’s managed to restrain the beast fairly quickly and before anything more serious than a small bite to the back could be administered.

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The Newcastle Welsher vs. The Bonny Lad

Why things always happen in multiples is a mystery to me…but they most certainly do…especially in Pattaya. No sooner had we avoided having our first non-paying guest at Jasmine Mansion by the skin of our teeth than we were in that same scenario all over again. (This is Thailand!)


An elderly man from Newcastle, England had arrived mid-evening a week ago and had claimed he had no money or credit cards or passport or clothes. He informed our reception staff that all of his possessions were in his house and his Thai wife had thrown him out after gaining proof of his most recent infidelity. He needed a place to stay and would be able to get some money the next day and wanted to pay for a month whilst he tried to sort his life out. Our staff took it upon themselves to take pity on him and gave him a room without first telephoning Mrs. Boss or me — to get would be a resounding negative response in answer to any question, regardless how laced it may be with a sympathetic tale. Why staff take a kindly approach to customers with no money or proof of identity over the safe route that ends up as a kindly approach to those that pay them is a mystery to me and, of course, it is me that ends up having to try and deal with the mess they have created.

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The Thai-Woman Time-Bomb Explodes

The real downside of chronicling my Pattaya adventures as they happen to me and writing them truthfully and honestly is that sometimes I have to expose myself. It would be easier to hide from everyone’s gaze and then only reappear once the dust had settled. That, however, is not really telling your tale and is most certainly not live action from the front!


The most recent episode in my life has seen Mrs. Boss reopen hostilities and this time she appears armed with nuclear warheads. The reason behind her present attack has left me somewhat bemused and befuddled — more bemused and befuddled than normally I would hasten to add. I am still presently trying to get a handle on what occurred and why it triggered the explosion it has most certainly caused. This metaphorical explosion created a crater deeper than the Bingham Canyon mine in Utah and saw me buried deep beneath the shit at the bottom of it.

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My Thai-Lady Volcano Continues to Erupt

I sat quietly for a few minutes and smoked a cigarette in an effort to calm my nerves. I then asked Peter if he would call Mrs. Boss and talk to her about the lawyer’s comments — it was his damned document anyway and I was really just some poor sap caught in the crossfire. Peter duly obliged, although quickly wished he hadn’t. Mrs. Boss rounded on him with the same ferocity that only moments earlier had been trained on me and he was equally unable to get a word in before she cut off the call. He bravely tried again — tried a further three times in fact — but all calls bore no fruit and he eventually admitted defeat in endeavouring to get the conversation onto lines that resembled some form of sanity.


I returned to Jasmine Mansion a few hours later, hopeful that the wrath may have subsided — at least sufficiently to allow me the chance to explain the situation. Even if I could not persuade her that the contents of the note did not mean what she had interpreted them to mean, at least I hoped to show that there was no desire to hide this from her, nor was the situation anything whatsoever to do with me. I was wrong and I failed — failed miserably. The anger was still there and for the next hour in the hotel, the drive back to the house, and then a punishing further two hours at home (enduring more verbal assaults). Everything and anything she could think of that was negative was thrown at me, including sins I had committed only in her dreams!

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Going From Bad to Worse in Pattaya

So the saga continues. Our relationship is now at an all time low and we either have days where Mrs. Boss totally ignores my existence or she launches yet another loud — very loud — attack upon me.


After a few days of chatting about the present state of my marriage with Peter, I realised it was now time to employ a lawyer. This time it would not just be a one hour consultation, but a proper instruction to act on my behalf and move for a divorce.


I had counseled a few people I know about lawyers here in Pattaya, but found no one who gave me any real confidence. One of the lawyers suggested, as he did not handle divorce cases, that I check the listings on the British Embassy web site. This I did and found a company I recognized from back home in England — MacKenzie Smith. They have offices in Bangkok and Phuket, as well as here in Pattaya. They would be my choice. I called to arrange a meeting and this was set for the next day, early afternoon.

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Different Than How I Thought it Would Be

The low season has now started to take hold and Pattaya appears to be quieter than I can ever recall. However, this is something all business owners tend to say year in and year out and it will likely be no better or worse than previous years.


On the other hand my marriage, presently going through its death throws, is giving me almost daily difficulties and simply getting up in the morning is tough. I am sure any of you who have been through a divorce, both male and female, will know it is a very isolated road with fear of what may happen lurking in every alley.


I have to concede that I have been a fool. The problem is you only tend to find out your foolishness once the act has been committed! I, however, had thought myself smarter than to be in the position I presently find myself. I thought my life here was going to be so different from the way it has turned out and, most importantly, I truly believed my marriage was impenetrable. Had I not believed in the strength of my marriage it is certain I would not have agreed to have the hotel, our house, the land we have purchased here and our land in Udon Thani all put in my wife’s name. If there is a saving grace, I am afraid at present it eludes me!

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Birthday Bashings in Jomtien

Well, I am another year older, although whether I can count myself any wiser is a question that leaves me stumped. I suppose I have wisdom now that I did not have 12 months ago, although this has been gleaned in an after-the-event fashion rather than from a thought process being invoked before action was taken. I think they call it learning the hard way…the story of my life I suppose.


I had a good day on the 21st enjoying an afternoon and early evening session with Mark. Our recent Monday trips to Jomtien were continued and we spent several hours drinking, playing pool and generally chatting away. Unlike previous weeks, Mrs. Boss was not calling every five minutes with some threat or another, though she did manage one call.


“Where you” she barked as I answered my telephone.


“I am looking at a condominium in Jomtien,” I replied honestly. This was an early-afternoon task I had set myself and after a 30-minute visit to the lawyer’s office, I had gone to view a couple of new condo developments in the Jomtien area.

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Thai Girl Piranhas Ready to Feed

This day started off like so many of my others in Pattaya. I went into my office at Jasmine Mansion, ordered a coffee, turned on the computer, tapped in all the passwords then cleaned my glasses as I waited the computer to kick into life. All of these actions are part of my morning ritual and as soon as the coffee is placed in front of me, the first cigarette of the day is alight. I then check my various email accounts and reply as necessary. Messages from friends around the globe, enquiries from customers, bookings and so forth usually take me a couple of hours to deal with. By the time I am finished, the day is well on its way and I feel as though I have accomplished something, however small that something may be.


I am a creature of habit I suppose. This was not my way as a young man, but as the years have passed I have become more comfortable with some degree of order in my life. I have no problem with the world advancing, technology inexorably marching forward or even 20-20 cricket — actually that is not quite true as I loathe 20-20 cricket and believe it to be a complete bastardization of the game I love. However, the world can change as much as it wishes, so long as it does not expect me to keep pace. I will amble along at my own speed, thanks very much. I will even check out what the latest ‘this or that’ is, but really, do not expect me to get involved in any of it. My mornings are an integral part of this life I live. However, this particular morning was shattered by the shrill sound of a Thai female voice, and, no, on this occasion, not that of my wife and also not directed at me.


“My pussy not have dick for three weeks but my mouth have lots of dick.” A statement which was immediately followed by the raucous, screeching laugh of several Thai girls whose tones resemble those of a hyena on heat (I imagine).

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