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the rockhouse, 3rd anniversary party.

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well folks,


the rockhouse will be 3 years old in a few days time and to celebrate , we will be hosting a 3rd year anniversary party .


we invite all rockhouse customers old and new to join us on thursday 13th of november from 8pm onwards to help us celebrate in time honoured fashion , with some very nice free food from our delicious thai / farang buffet , some special offers on the drinks and of course great music and good company .


will be nice to see any of you there if your in town and it will be nice to catch up with some old friends , with todder and garibaldi and friend in town for you all to come and meet .


loy kratong falls this year on november 12th and its expected the bars will need close on the 14th , 15th and 16th of november to accommodate 3 days of mourning for the departed princess.


so make it a night to remember.


see you there .

Edited by mulphy
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Yes not only is it Alex's 3rd anniversary but Nov 13 is my arrival date, so i will be buzzing like a honey bee on steroids.


Laura, if you need a midget, i know just the man. :D


Come to the Rockhouse on Nov 13 and watch me make a complete tit of myself :D

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All the very best ALEX for your 3rd anniversary :bigsmile:

Rockhouse is one of mine and my mates favorite hang out bars.You really do have the right formula for a great fun venue :thumbup :thumbup

Looking forward as always to catching up with you & your better half and staff next trip,Rockhouse is always a blast(unfortunately so are a few of the hang overs with our early morning departures :nod :clap2 :bow )

All the very best Mate


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