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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Sometimes goto last unread overshoots where I left off. Not usually, but sometimes.

When I send a PM it doesn't end up in my sent PM's folder.

Am I doing anything wrong?

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Sometimes goto last unread overshoots where I left off. Not usually, but sometimes.

When I send a PM it doesn't end up in my sent PM's folder.

Am I doing anything wrong?


You need to check the box at the bottom of the message form to save a copy to 'Sent Items'.




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Sometimes goto last unread overshoots where I left off. Not usually, but sometimes.

When I send a PM it doesn't end up in my sent PM's folder.

Am I doing anything wrong?


Can't help you with the View New Posts overshoot. It's based on your last login or your last Mark All Posts As Read, as far as I know.


The latest forum software doesn't default to saving a copy of your SENT messages. Below the message text area (where you type your message), is a checkbox that you have to check to get the SENT item saved.

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