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Glitterman Speaks About Music.

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Music is everywhere here in Pattaya. shops, streets, in bars ect.

'If music be the food of love then play on', music is probally the best thing humans have ever created, it is the worlds number one language, it has no boundaries, has probally been around for longer than we know and will never stop, and unlike television it does not waist your time, it enhances it, through times of joy and suffering music flavours everything.

Back in the ninties i was a big record collector and now have over five thousand albums, promos, white lables, picture discs and twelve inch singles,of nearly every good artist from the 60s,70s,80s,and 90s,from rock and roll to psycheldelic techno all in mint condition and expensive, my show bike plays cassette tape i compiled from my collection [and even music i composed/played on my various keyboards]

You cannot collect C.D.s like you can collect records.

im sure even the 'rude grumpy old men' would agree with me on this , if not then; 'OFF with their heads',


the Royal Glitterman hath spoken.

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Do you have Hotel California?

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it's a line of data in a database, one record = one line of data


one record could have many columns or fields however

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those CDs you are collecting are illegal, shame on you


LY, do you have to respond to every post and every topic? It wouldn't be so bad if you actually assimilated what had been written before your post.


As an example, where in the post to which you are replying do you find any evidence of (1) his use of CDs or (2) that they were copied illegally?


I suspect you must be bored or something, because you are on a posting frenzy on multiple boards since your return here, but try to put some value and thought into your posts, for Christ's sake.


Unlike other boards that you inhabit, I get no benefit from post counts, eyeballs or google advertising revenue, and as a consequence, I try to keep the content of the board at an acceptable intellectual level. We don't need mindless posts.

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so he collects records, my post should have said "We've all been using CDs & iPods is this day & age"


it's a shame that many of the music CDs you can find in Pattaya are illigal



any better ?

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"try to put some value and thought into your posts"



on this thread I have to admit I was just razzin' the guy, but point taken


what about my thoughtful input on pickled gherkins/cucumbers & pork scratchings/cracklin's ??

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