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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Glitterman Speaks About why i never 'REPLY' on the Forums.

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...................................................................................... :cry1





































































































................................................................................. :cry1

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glitterman, being cute is one thing, misusing the board and its bandwidth is another.


If you have something to say, say it. If not, don't start a new topic.

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glitterman, being cute is one thing, misusing the board and its bandwidth is another.


If you have something to say, say it. If not, don't start a new topic.



Not many subjects for him left to discuss, looks like he has shot most of his load and fizzling out,

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Im so gonna punch you off your bike :banghead


Only jokin Goldenbollox you fuckin retard :deal beer on me if i see you . And i will make you drink it :nod :rolleyes:




I look forward to watching the report on Pattaya TV. 2guns

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Spot on mate. Having seen this guy riding around Pattaya I always thought he was some kind of eccentric.


Having joined this forun yesterday, I now just think he is just some kind of twat!

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Excellent read thankyou :banghead


I look forward to your next installment























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