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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Pattaya and Mexico get a lot of bad publicity but here is an excerpt from one of their forums,


"In summary, I have no idea if the American media is just lazy or if they have an agenda, but I cannot sit idly by and allow all of Mexico to be painted with such a broad brush. Lake Chapala is, indeed, safe."

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Pattaya and Mexico get a lot of bad publicity but here is an excerpt from one of their forums,


"In summary, I have no idea if the American media is just lazy or if they have an agenda, but I cannot sit idly by and allow all of Mexico to be painted with such a broad brush. Lake Chapala is, indeed, safe."

im reading a blog about a chap and his wife sailing through Mexico its costing them 50 US a week to survive.and there hvn no probs.but im starting to distrust the bbc reports.

Edited by samfreeland
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