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50% off health checks

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From 1st Nov to 1st Jan (I think) you can get up to 50% off the health checks, all the main tests costs start from 3k up to 20k all are 50% off.


They are also doing a 3 year discount card, you get up to 40% off rooms, and get two health checks two free dental checks thats 9800, bit it lasts for 3 years guys on budget type insurance could stretch their cover as it were.


The same tests are over £400 in UK with BUPA so it may be worth a holiday maker having a look,



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did this last year...they always discount around the king's birthday. if i'm correct you can book it before jan and you have up till march to take the tests.


the bangkok international equivalent is about half the price of the half price bangkok pattaya. however some the tests at 'pi' were done on a different day and you have to go back another day to collect you're results whereas 'bp' you're in and out in about 5 hours........still my tests at 'bi' cost 20,000 bt and at pi it was about 9,000.


one further criticism of 'bi' was they said my blood pressure was high............this was taken 4 times during the day and i looked at the last 3 scores and they were text book perfect. so i assumed the first one was high. on the strength of that i bought a home blood pressure tester.......gave up using it after a couple of weeks perfect levels and now assume an error at 'bi'.


so if you're pushed for time and have the cash go 'bi'


if you're strapped for cash but have the time go 'pi'.

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