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For those who might have missed the late night shows in celebration of OBL’s demise

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Top Ten things OBL said, "I need a house full of Navy SEALs like I need a hole in the head." – David Letterman

"You folks enjoy the Osama bin Laden season finale?" – David Letterman

"Bin Laden is dead! Just like the Republicans' chances in 2012." – Jimmy Fallon

"It looks like President Obama has a new campaign slogan: 'Yes I Did.'" – Jay Leno

"When he heard about it, former President Bush was furious and said, 'Wait a minute — I could have used seals?!'" – Conan O’Brien

"How about those Navy SEALs? They jump out of a helicopter and they break into the compound, and they fire a warning shot into his head." – David Letterman

"On the same night Obama was ordering the Navy to kill bin laden, his potential opponent in 2012, Donald Trump, was busy firing Playmate of the Month Hope Dworaczyk." – Jimmy Kimmel

"I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl who just shot bin Laden in the eye." – Stephen Colbert

“What was the look on bin Laden's face when he realized the helicopters overhead were not giving traffic and weather updates?" – Jon Stewart

"Between the death of bin Laden and the marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William, it's an exciting time to be in the commemorative plate business." – Jimmy Kimmel :banghead :chogdee :grin-jump

“Owing to a screwup in the paperwork, Obama will be greeted by 72 vegans.” – David Letterman

“On "Late Night," Jimmy Fallon impersonated Trump in a sketch, stating that Obama "is so scared of me and so desperate for attention that he felt the need to hunt down and kill bin Laden right in the middle of my show."

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