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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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went to visit morning star bar soi 14 off walking st last night and it has now an been taken over as an arab smoking den, anyone know if Geoff has relocated some where else


Do you mean on Soi 16 rather than 14? If so I had seen that he was looking to sell it.


It's where I have tended to watch football over the last few years on my trips as they would show multiple games at the same time with English commentary and no music except at half time.


Interested in any suggestions for a new bar to watch the footy in around the Walking Street area if anyone who reads this has any.

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went to visit morning star bar soi 14 off walking st last night and it has now an been taken over as an arab smoking den, anyone know if Geoff has relocated some where else

I know that Geoff was (is ??) looking for a bar in the soi LK Metro region.

Don't know if he bought one though.

Him selling Morning Star was inevitable as Arabs took over the soi and he couldn't get any customers in lately.

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