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Instructions on joining the Members Only Forum

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I've just clicked on it and it came up OK for me.

New members don't get automatic access to the members forum, but you can browse and post in the "Open to everyone section"

This is what you will need to do...

  On 12/25/2018 at 10:46 PM, frostfire said:

The members only area of the forum allows a more open discussion on Pattaya. It is not subject to the same restrictions and censorship as the Open Forum. It is a little more adult oriented. 

Please understand that this is NOT a porn site. If you are looking for porn you will be disappointed. Save yourself and the Webmaster some time and don't apply. Membership is restricted to people over 18 years of age, and is subject to verification as detailed below. Membership is free.

Here is what you need to do to get in... 

Step 1:

Before you apply for membership you must register for the open forum. The Registration process can be started by clicking on SIGN UP button in the upper right of this website. Or you can Click Here

You will be prompted to supply an Email Address, which will require verification before the account is approved, so it must be a real and working email address. Please note: At the time of this writing, Yahoo.com email addresses are experiencing a problem receiving emails. If you use Yahoo, and do not receive a email notification, please send a email to me directly at flbbar@gmail.com and I will manually approve your registrations email verification. (Email from the same address, of course). If you do not follow the instructions in the Validation email (or the alternate step of emailing me directly), your account will not be approved. 

Once your account is approved, you will be able to look around and post in the Open Forums. Posts in the Open Forums by level 1 accounts are moderated, but our moderators are world class and usually pretty fast on the ball, so posts will be approved fairly quickly. Responses to posts are not moderated. 

After following Step 1, you will be a Level 1 member and eligible to apply for full membership by following Step 2 below.

Step 2: 

1. Send a email to flbbar@gmail.com

2. Place the word "JOIN" in the subject line (this is an important step that will prevent your email from being sent to SPAM and highlight it as important).

3. State clearly in the email, what your registered User Name is, from when you registered for the Open Forums in step 1. Please write it exactly as you did during that process including any Upper and Lower case characters. If you do not provide your User Name in the email, we cannot process your request.

4. Write a short explanation of why you would like to join the Member's Site.

That's it. Within a short time you will get an email confirming your membership and explaining how to access the site. 

here is an example email to guide you through the process:


To: flbbar@gmail.com

I wish to join the Pattayatalk Members Site. I have registered for the Pattaya Talk Forums and my User Name is XXXXXXXXX

The reason I wish to join the Pattaya Talk Members Only Site is .... (give reasons)


<your name>


One more important point.... The process works by sending and receiving emails. If you can't receive our emails and follow the instructions in them, you will not be able to register. A large number of the replies we send get bounced by spam filters. You must allow your system to receive emails from flbbar@gmail.com or you are wasting your time. We never send spam or pass on email addresses to third parties. 

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