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  • Rank
    Super Poster
  • Birthday 07/18/1966

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    United Kingdom

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    United Kingdom / Phimai Issan
  • Interests
    Getting Laid !!

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  1. What ? You and fussy chunk ? 2 clowns
  2. Try to avoid women who are drawn to music like this ....probably means they are on yabba , or are drawn to blokes that are obsessed with cats
  3. Try british football matey .......you will shit you boots
  4. Lol Fucking funny thread ......i think we should all have a race on our scooters , i will beat you all on my scoopy
  5. Somtimes you need to shit !!............somtimes fucken quickly
  6. Hey lover , regardless ......you know i would take care ......(cat) greg here .........many fookin beers , no prob matey , ii know the feckin score !!
  7. 1p....per min......2 years so far .........methinks you are talking shite matey !!! Sorry , but you are !!!
  8. No you stupid fuckin twat !!! I remember talking to you about 4 fookin years ago on xmas day !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TahH7B_aUZc&feature=player_embedded#at=134 You cunt !!
  9. Regardless , nothing changes .........keep your eye on exchange rate , thats the deal if you are clever enough . ......same me , i dont care pennys ......but some tight ass mother fucks do .....................seppos/ shermons ..perhaps ? The real deal lookers are not the brits ........its the yankys methinks , who can blame them ............years of slavery , now one is running the shit
  10. Great toon ..............most here though are old farts !!!!
  11. Just listened , i like this Yes i am a limey
  12. If you draw £200 every week or day ........you will save 150 charge from the thai banks every day , or transaction ........yes i can see the sense in that ........best open an account on land like irish clever cunt He he .....no being funny mate ......i cant be bothered !!!!...its only pennys Edit .....i have a business in thailand
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