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About butterfly_guy

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  1. up until recently i didnt even know there where mosquitoes in Thailand. As far as i am aware i have never been bitten or noticed myself getting bitten. That include my backpacking days. Maybe they no like me?
  2. I did that one 30 minute treatment where they put some kind of acid on your teeth then blast them with some kind of blue light. My teeth got really white but the effect seem to have worn out after about 5 months. My teeth was a bit sore for a couple of days but not enough to stop me from drinking couple of hours after the treatment. Cost me 7000 bath including cleaning.
  3. This is an interesting thread. In Sweden i have a low threshold for abuse, and will confront and provoke anyone that tries to bully me in private or in my workplace. Granted this may not be a very good trait to have, but at least it gives me some sense of satisfaction. On my first trips to Thailand as a 20year old backpacker i had no idea how to talk or treat the locals, and frequently got in to various arguments and minor skirmishes. I had never read any of the forums or heard the stories about tourists getting gunned down and it was frankly more fun. If someone was obviously trying t
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