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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by sadherbert

  1. The breakfast at BVP is all sorts of food - all of it limp, lifeless and tasteless. I agree with others re the pool - Sabai Lodge, excepting Sabai Wing, is now tired and the rooms in need of a makeover but nowhere beats its main pool.
  2. Have stayed in both and would choose BVP. It is good value but the breakfast is not really worth bothering with. They will reduce the price if you ask them to exclude breakfast.
  3. There are now 3 Bella Villa hotels around town. The original is a fair distance the wrong side of 2nd road in Nth Pattaya, the Bella Villa Prima is the best located on Soi 4 and the newest, Bella Villa Cabana is a long way out - on the beach past the Cholchan and nearly at Laem Chabang. The Bella Villa Prima is now often full (fully booked for 3 nights this week, I got in on only 2) as some large businesses (like Thai Samsung) use it to put up guests. It means a mix of clientele - business, families and sanukers. New beer bars on the corner of Soi 4 have also increased the nightime noise s
  4. Thanks PSP. I was daft enough to think, as a member of the old board, that registering successfully and using the password that had been e-mailed back to me would be enough.
  5. Help. Any tips on how I change my password. I have registered and logged in successfully but everytime I go to my profile, type in a new password, verify it and click change profile, I am told I am not permitted to change it. Any clues anyone whilst I am still logged in otherwise I'll never remember the one sent. Thanks.
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