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About jawadde

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 07/28/1952

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  1. Google Darwin Awards , and you will have a good laugh ! As far as I can see some stories are true , and some are Urban legends , but in that case it's mentioned ! Example : the Constipated Elephant story is an Urban Legend , but is mentioned as such : The following stories are apocryphal. They are included on the Darwin Awards website because they are inspirational narratives of the astounding efforts of legendary Darwin Awards contenders. Constipated Elephant 1998 Urban Legend
  2. You don't need much cash , but keep some as a backup . It would be wise to bring 2 cards , in case one was stolen or lost , or eaten by a nasty ATM Have a nice time :)
  3. Times are achanging ... Last year I couldn't even take my pool cue as handluggage even after first having passed all the check-ins without problem ... at the actual boarding they took it away from me : 'deadly weapon' ! Why didn't they know that at the first check-in , where I asked that specifically ?? Also last year I brought sister and brother-in-law to the airport , and came back with about 1/4 of their luggage : they were travelling with a 10 yr old and 2 yr old child and assumed that counted for full luggage allowance (30 kg each person) ... no way ! Either they had to pay a
  4. Thanks Scalawag . I understand now . :thumbsup:
  5. Well , this strange man thought he was posting in the technical stuff forum of this board with some technical questions , BHY , sorry to have weired you out ...
  6. Well , I thought I was posting in the technical stuff forum with some technical questions , casper_uk , sorry to have bothered you ...
  7. Sorry if this would be in the wrong forum , but I did not find another appropriate forum on this board ... "I don't get it" , part one : I looked up a "poll" thread , and I got the message that I "already voted in this poll" , while I'm quite sure I did NOT yet vote in that poll ... no big problem (it's only the internet ...) but why can't I vote on a poll that I did not vote on already ? ... "I don't get it" , part two : After one has contributed to a thread , a litlle black dot is added in the middle of the symbol on the left column of that thread in that forum
  8. I always knew that Australians are nice guys ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Tovell
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