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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About wolfe5047

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 08/19/1963

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    United States

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    x1|Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA|USA|usa|448|124|PA,Pennsylvania
  1. thanks for the reply Samsonite not sure what terminal but Arriving on a China air flight from Ankorage Alaska and then on to Manila. The return is China airlines Manila to Teipei to Ankorage to JFK so from your comments I expect I would be using the new terminal both ways. Not sure I'll go this route just yet price is good but a lot of flights and stops 4 flights in each each direction and no miles for my frequent flyer accounts .
  2. Hello maybe this doesn't belong on here but I figured I'd ask and see what response I get. I'm looking at flights to Manila from Pittsburgh USA the cheapest I find for December is 1250USD on China airlines has anyone flown them? What is the Teipei Airport like?? I've only ever flown on Northwest or United before except for a short trip on Thai air. Any input would be welcome or the next best fare is Asiana Air where I would get miles credited to my United account at 1588USD which would be your pick if you had to choice between these airlines? Thanks for your help
  3. I've stayed in the Penthouse hotel twice with no problems except for some overcharging for use of thier mini bar. However I stayed at Tims beer bar last time. The Penthouse hotel seems to be changing for the worst . I checked out their web page and they are charging a joiner fee if you have more than two thai nationals go to the room with you. Kittens from their club are free but outside girls will cost you if you want to party with a group of girls. The owner of this hotel seems to be letting the day to day management fall to his son. Also maybe the troubles he had 2 or 3 years ago are still
  4. Thanks guys the Vault looks interesting sent them an email just have to see what I get back? I emailed Tims also so far haven't heard anything back maybe full up already or just slow on returning thier email????
  5. Hello I'm looking for a hotel that has Juccuzi rooms besides Penthouse hotel where are they and how do I get in touch with them ? I know Tim's Beer bar has juccuzi rooms also but I've lost thier email address and or web site that shows thier rooms. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  6. Just out of curiousity I was checking Travelocities web page for flights from Pittsburgh Pa to Bkk I found a ticket available for 695 USD. I can't use the available dates. But just thought I'd give a heads up to anyone thinking of flying United during these dates. Availability is limited to certain dates but the price can't be beat IMO. Just play with the dates a little and you might get lucky. I don't know if they are offering these fares from other places just thought I give a heads up.
  7. Thanks for your concern LBJ but I'll keep them for now who knows maybe someday Northwest will actually honor thier miles . What I just don't understand is why aren't seats awarded on a first come first served basis. Whether it is cash or awards it's a filled seat and a happy customer that will spend more money at NWA . No wonder all the airlines are going broke competion and a piss poor atitude towards the customer . And when you write or call them they say you should plan for seats earlier . Well hell I've been trying since January and have never found seats available for when I want. But I m
  8. LBJ nope nw miles don't expire just that when I can take vacation in December they never have any award seats available. So now I'm buying from Orbitz where I chose the Airline and get points on their credit card towards money off tickets in the future . I benefit 2 ways this year United in December when I bought my tickets was 832 USD. I get frequent flyer milage with United and points with Orbitz towards my next ticket purchase which will probably be with United or Northwest. Unfortunately Pittsburgh were I'm from doesn't have a lot of International carriers heading west most head east to eu
  9. MM wish I could go then unfortunately I have to wait until Dec. Already bought my ticket on United this year too bad as I have 115,000 northwest miles accumulated that I can't use.
  10. OnMyWay Thanks for the tip unfurtunately I've already bought my ticket to Bkk from Pittsburgh PA. Since I won't arrive until 11:30 pm+ usually at least 1/2 to 1 hr late at arrival I never get thru customs until almost 1 amin BKK. So I'll probably do what I did last year stay in airport and pickup a ticket at Philipines airlines offices for about 320 USD for a total trip price of about 1150 USD. Have never been able to find anything online anywhere close to this price. Usually all want at least
  11. Thanks for the info BigD almost hate to try a search on there now and find out I could have gotten a cheaper price as I really want to visit Pi also on my trip
  12. I just booked thru Orbitz for Dec 11 thru Jan 2 and paid 832 for a roundtrip on United Air. I checked Uniteds webpage the cheapest they showed me from Pittsburgh in the USA was 3300 and arriving 2 days later. Orbitz was on United and arriving 1 day later. I usually fly northwest but this year their fares seem to be way above average price. Maybe I looked in the wrong spot on United for my dates they wanted to flie me all the way to Amsterdam then on to Bangkok. On orbitz it was Chicago Tokyo and Bangkok and artive 1 day sooner fotr a third the price???
  13. Thanks for the info Ready will add them to my searches from now on too bad though it wasn't 2 months earlier . I'm booked on Philipines airline bkk to mnl to bkk at 311 USD now I feel gipped. Oh well it's getting me where I wanted to go and at the time I was really happy with the prices.
  14. I arrive Dec 20 on Philipines airlines after a week spent in Angeles then directly on to Pattaya for 2 weeks. Looks like we're going to miss each other this trip hope we both have a great time .
  15. Too bad I'm staying overnight in Bangkok before leaving for the Philipines or maybe we could have hooked up . Maybe we'll meet to share a beer in Flb how long you going to be in Pattaya ??
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