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About AW1

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    United Kingdom
  1. Very good place on Metro, I've stayed there many times and always enjoyed it. China Gardens has superceded it now in terms on price/quality but it will always be my second choice in that area.
  2. I've stayed there it is very good for the money.
  3. I'm having to fly with fucking Royal Jordanian
  4. I think this is spam, the same random post appeared on secrets 2 or 3 days ago. No genuine poster puts this as their first post on 2 different sites.........
  5. I was trying to get there a week before my trip to LOS but it was not logistically possible unfortunately.........
  6. Keep it as it is. Its hard to please a broad audience, all the stuff you play is pretty non offensive to most people. People go to your bar to eat and drink not listen to your music, and its volume is reflective of that and doesn't piss the majority off...........
  7. LOL but its obv not for use in Thailand.............
  8. A friend of mine is selling this number plate, he is looking for £15,000 ono for it. Not cheap obviously but he is approaching the stringfellow group and all the major lap dancing clubs in the UK, so it will sell as there are a ton of potential wealthy buyers. PM me if your seriously interested..............
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