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Everything posted by roblytham

  1. Why not just download whatever you want yourself enuff said it isnt rocket science or is it?
  2. why would you buy a kindle when there are plenty of inexpensive tablet pc's which can do more than a kindle? ie play movies, games and browse the web for about the same price
  3. First time passport for a Thai citizen also where is the nearest issuing office to Pattaya? Cheers for the info Rob
  4. well a reply to Martins tame muppet frostfire i have tried to be civil with you but you are a complete wanker (with your pony hair and I need to wash my hair day LOL) shave off your Adoff facial hair you wanker # one day I will meet up with you and have a chat LOL
  5. To frosty what happend years ago is history to me # but if you want to keep making a thing about so be it
  6. and frosty why do you keep up the aggresive stance?
  7. well when we are are on talk we are not the flavours off the month
  8. Maybe TTT is turning a new leaf in his life LOL
  9. Hiya Villa you could try http://justdialstudent.com/mobile/ moby to moby or a free land line number
  10. threatfire is good. I have used it with XP for a nunber of years never had a problem hope this helps http://www.threatfire.com/?gclid=CJvE18u8vJ4CFSBk4wods2NgEQ
  11. Nothing Zilch even gave a TG 500 in the morning for the night, the morning after and she gave it back to me, ( the best night of my life) a long time ago thow 1989 in Ko samet it was the same in BKK and Patts But then again I was young and Handsom LOL then again things havn't changed that much I was last in LOS Feb 08 and no shortage of cute TGs in the beer bars looking for long time 1000 next time I will collect phone numbers Rob
  12. I stayed at the Gueen Vic for 14 days in Jan, Feb 08. Initialy I had only booked for 6 nights but liked it so much stayed for most of my trip. The food is very good both the English and Thai and good value for money. Vic is very friendly and always willing to answer any questions. I can thoughly reccomend this place
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