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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About shauna

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    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 09/29/1969

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    South Africa

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    Monger of note AKA RudeDog
  1. Hey TequilaReef - Thanks for sharing - This looks great for treating a lady who is giving you an awesome longtime GFE as well as enjoying the experience yourself.
  2. Any rugby fans out there who will be watching a big screen at a bar in Pats when the lads play. Nowt wrong with a few beers and snacks and the game. If so please let us know where it might be happening.
  3. Arrival time and Hotel Check in time I suppose are key. I will probably touch down @ 0600 plus a hotel check in Time of 1300 means I have 2 odd hours to play with at the airport regards immigration & changing money etc. Get to Patts @ 1100 plus other folks drop off. (I am always the chap whose suitcase is last on to the carousel and my hotel is the last on the drivers route). So an easy on Sunday morning Bell Service is for me,
  4. Thanks kind sir! Will pay them sites a vist.
  5. Hi Guys Thai air offer a direct flight from JHB to BKK. Better option from end having to transist in Dubai or HKK. Has anyone been on the above aircraft and how did you find the bar etc and inflight entertainment (do you have your own telly and channels) Ciao
  6. A wealthy old Gentleman decides to go on a hunting safari in Africa , taking his faithful, elderly Jack Russell named Killer, along for the company. One day the old Jack Russell starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old Jack Russell thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep doo-doo now!" Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat Just as the leopard is about to leap, the old J
  7. Thats the one! Beach Rd SOI 9. Bloody convenient. Used to stay at BJs guest house. And walk on the "other side of the road" to avoid the early beer bar temptations. Oh those were the days my friends. All in holiday at about USD 50 a day.
  8. I am going back to 2001 now. Does anyone know the name of the gym on Beach RD? (If its still there)
  9. Very well put. Couldn't agree with you more. Key thing above all else is that its not a case of the BHat strengthening but more the USD weakening. Gone are the days when the US sneezed the global economies caught a cold. The world is now ignoring the US in an economic sense and focusing on Indian AND Chinese consumption. However WATCH this space when all the Chinese production collapses because their number one market the USa is dead. Then there will be LOTS of cheap Thai pussy for all and sundry.
  10. Trust me its going to get worse. Interest rates have already dropped 3% Benanke is looking at another .25% I hope I am wrong.
  11. To add one extra thing take your time over the transfer. What I mean by that is if you dont need the 50k asap then stay where you are. Alternitavely you can "trickle " it in in little batches of say 5K at a time of a period of time, that way you are spreading the risk of currency fluctuations go either way. To add one extra thing take your time over the transfer. What I mean by that is if you dont need the 50k asap then stay where you are. Alternitavely you can "trickle " it in in little batches of say 5K at a time of a period of time, that way you are spreading the risk of currency f
  12. Hi Hybrid I suppose the best way to be ahead of the curve is Interest rate differentials between UK and Pattaya. Take the US for example. Ben Benanke wants to kick start the US economy. So he has reduced interest rates. Reduced interest rates makes all the big boys with the real big (oil sheiks etc and pension funds as examples) money move it to 3rd world places like Thailand or Brazil etc etc. The US will have a problem of inflation because to control inflation the best way is to increase interest rates. But thats a story for another day. So in a nutshell if you fell good Ol Me
  13. Hey Tx for that Step. I like his Northern location, just to get some "peace n quiet" away from the hustle n bustle.
  14. Hi everyone Back in 2000 I stayed at BJs Guest House. 400Bht simple basic and clean setup. Ideal for a pussymans needs. Is BJ still around and is the place still in existence? Peace and respect Shaun
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