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Everything posted by trevorjc

  1. One of my best female friends is a Russian girl who lives in Moscow, she is one of the nicest people i have met. They are not all cold and unapproachable, speaking a little bit of the language helps a lot as outside of Moscow 99% of people speak no English. Do i prefer to Thai? Sometimes :)
  2. Voted City but i think it will be close between then and Chelski. Man u, Arse, Spurs & Liverpool to complete top 6 although a lot hinges on what happens before transfer window shuts.
  3. Ref fails to award a nailed on pen at old toilet- wow what a surprise!!
  4. I never met a tourist from Russia either before 1989, but if you have no money you can't travel abroad on holiday. I aggree though that travel abroad would have been difficult before the fall of communism. I was working in Kiev last year and the Ukrainian girl that was translating for me told me that the people of the USSR were told that they were the most advanced country, that the people in the west had nothing compared to what was available to them. She was then amazed when she went to the States on a sports scholarship or team visit and needed new trainers at the choice available
  5. Exactly, i've seen angry Russian girls Much better if your there with the missus to play it safe, then plan a solo trip later :)
  6. They come on a package holiday with there wives or girlfriends who are normally pretty hot themselves, so why would they go out and risk getting busted just to pay for pussy when its there for them already?
  7. People are the same the world over some are rude and arrogant, some are respectful and polite. I am going to Moscow tomorrow and then on to Kazan the day after for a week long visit to a client out there, i can guarantee i will be better treated out there than i will be if i was visting a client in the UK. The only time i have witnessed rudeness from a Russian was queing up at heathrow waiting to go through departure, a Russian guy barged straight to the front and the woman behind the counter let him through without a word. Unfortunatly when he was reaching up to put his bag in the ov
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