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Everything posted by Pattaya_Freak

  1. Ok I really feel sorry for the 1st guy... Also what is he looking for anywayz???? I would love the job of the 2nd guy... and I think the 3rd guy is thinking "Sh*t I really should have got'n that health insurance"
  2. HA! ok I have to try that one day.
  3. This really shouldn't be in the funny section. Also how can anyone fall for the BS that these Thai whores give? It's always the same thing, "Oh such&such died or is sick and I need money" My replay "here is a shovel, start dig'n" But I guess stupid people shouldn't have money, and there are allot of stupid westerners lol. Can't you just get a BJ, give her 5$ and tell her to kindly fuck off? But I guess once you turn 50 and have a few screws loose in your noodle and you get a hard on for the 1st time in 20 years you'll give anything to the 18 year old your try'n to dry hump... lol sad
  4. I dont get it... I know your try'n to be funny, but your not so dont hurt yourself lol. You want a joke, here is a joke... What's Long, Green, and smells like pork? Kermit’s finger
  5. My question is why are women play'n golf?
  6. U know once the world runs out of oil we can just run our cars off American belly fats. Which is 40% more pure then whale blubber. Gota get the kids nice and fat to have enough fuel for that grand canyon road trip eh lol
  7. What you dont see is the father of the bride around the side. Look at the poor guyz face, he looks like he's about 2 shit himself
  8. Maybe it's just me, but the 1st pic kinda looks like an uglier vr of Obama... LOL
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZXhhl35qUk...feature=related
  10. If Bert is a KKK member, why is he helping OJ? Also I always thought Bert and Ernie were gay, what are they doing at a nudie bar?
  11. HAHA I think the shark just wanted to be in the picture
  12. ...That's just too hardcore
  13. He's got bigger tits then her...
  14. That one football player looks way too happy.. LOL
  15. Hmmm nice Tits but the Bush has gotz 2 go...
  16. I know what he's thinking... "I wish I got shot in Iraq."
  17. LOL and the fool has a big smile on his face too...
  18. Bill Gates Death Bill Gates dies and his soul going to the pearly gates. St Peter told him that today God has made an exception to allow people to make their own choice on where they want to go, Heaven or Hell. So he entered Heaven and takes a look around. There are angels and people singing, dancing, eating fruit and having fun. But curiosity got to him and he wanted to see what Hell was like. So he goes to have a look at Hell. He saw a beach full of beautiful naked women, alcohol everywhere, and everyone having a great time partying and having sex. So he goes to St. Peter and said “I
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