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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About maxtroy

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  1. I only deal with the lady at the pharmacy next to Tim's . The old guy is as miserable as a Bahtbus driver . The lesson here is for a serious medical diagnosis you should see a doctor . .
  2. . I tip 300 baht for a caddie that puts in an honest effort to be helpful and fun . I was also advised to give them 50 baht instead of buying them refreshments as they generally just sell the drinks back to the course and take the cash . Well the 50 baht has paid off very well as the caddies are very appreciative and I suppose it lets them know you won't be a cheap charlie at the end of the round . I generally wait till around the 4th hole to get a sense that the caddie won't disappoint before giving the 50 baht and make it very clear it is for them to buy their own drinks . Have yet to se
  3. - Assuming the price of 1460 baht is for the 750 ml bottle of 12 year old Glenfiddich which converts to $47.98 Cdn then the price is slightly cheaper than the normal price of $46.75 Cdn in the province of Ontario in Canada .. Our provincial liquor board has a web site lcbo.com that has product info that allows comparisons of this nature .
  4. . Looks like biker boy was just looking for trouble . How many times have you walked into a small bar with just a couple regulars sitting around and as you enter the door you'll see one lean a little closer to the others and say something . You know it's about you but you don't walk over and start with " Hey , you talking about me ? " . No you recognize that people can talk about whatever they please and mind your own business unless you are looking for trouble .
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