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Everything posted by Patna

  1. Not a die hard Bonamassa fan but I like this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLR_bSzPTiY
  2. Hostiles. One of the year's best, certainly the best western.
  3. Watched the first 2 episodes of Deep State. Pretty damn good show...
  4. Haven't read the novel and honestly not so sure about the whole concept of the...(spoiler) but the acting and the photography is superb (even though most of it is fake) Don't know why they claim that the show is American when the whole crew is British...
  5. Love it but in all fairness, not for everyone.
  6. The Terror. First 5 episodes are ready to download
  7. I am downloading the first episode.
  8. While I did enjoy the first episode, it has become a show full of stereotypes. BTW it is the 5th English crime story I watched in the past year or so that stars a woman detective, most of them single or abandoned or pregnant - watching Marcella simultaneously - then you get the gay female bishop with the illegal vietnamese refugee lover, a lesbian affair, then the Syrian refugees, who get detained, the disturbed - female - army officer with PTSD from the Iraq deployment, who gets abused by her boss, and who shoots the wrong guy by accident and the works, I stop here, don't want to do a spoiler
  9. I watched The Good Fight first season with an open mind. Meaning that I tried not to pay attention to the political agenda, the overused political correctness, the black issue and the whole works. Now comes season 2 and the whole show turns into an idiotic Trump bashing joke. I dedicate this post to Eddie, he'll have a lot of mileage on it...
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwE8lO_aPCg&feature=youtu.be
  11. Don't miss out on Sugarbaby's Saint Patrick's Day Party tonight! Doors open at 7 p.m. Free buffet starts at 10 p.m. Come join the fun!
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