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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Leadbelly

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  1. Justin Case, I'm wondering if you dealt with the owner (Ib Ottesen) or someone at the front desk when you booked (via email I'm guessing??) , because the long term rate (30 or more days) has always been 1000 per day and only in the last year raised to 1070 baht per day. If I were you I'd address another email to Ib at ottesen@loxinfo.co.th and tell him you have a friend who also wants to stay there long time as well, but you have another "friend" (me!!) who has stayed there on the long term rate of 1070 per day and can you both get that rate. It certainly won't hurt to ask. Good luck and po
  2. For long term stays like yours the rate should be 1070 per day, at least it was in June. Upper floors are better if you like to be higher up and away from swimming pool noise. No problem with bringing guests back to room, moto rental directly across the street, same with laundry. Try room 507 or 607. They are busy, have you secured a room for the 2 months there yet? If not, better email them soon! Have fun. Do a search of the Residence Garden in the hotels section, lots of information about them. Very popular with many board members here. P. s.- your written English is easy to understand
  3. You are right that you could save money by not going on the tour, and I understand you wondering about how you will make out by going on your own. But most of us went without using a tour-type of a package deal. I'm assuming that at least part of your time (if not the majority of it) would center around the nightlife and women there. I doubt if the tour would help in that area. As a first-time visitor on your own you could always sign up for a day tour here and there if you wanted to see something that interests you and didn't have the confidence or knowledge to do it yourself to make your o
  4. Bachelor...since the forced log off, after clicking on the forums it was just taking me to the non-member area where there was no box to check. After your post I clicked on the "log in" from this area instead of putting in the username and password from here, and found the "check box" place, so now it's fixed....thanks!
  5. Since the forced log off, every time I check back into the forum I have to supply username and password from home computer. Before I never had to do that. What do I do to get around this?
  6. sommy, the hospital is on Soi 4 between 2nd Road and Beach Road...click on the link for a map.Map to hospital
  7. I corresponded by letter back and forth from California to Pattaya for a couple of years with an expat in Pattaya before he got hooked up with email, have sent packages to Pattaya Orphanage since 2001 for a child's birthdays and Christmas gifts, received thank you acknowledgements from there, gotten monthly reports from the orphanage, and have sent post cards to friends back in the U.S. from Pattaya and everything has been received on both ends so far, so my experiences have been good with the mail system. I've never tucked two or three $100 bills in a card and mailed it off to Pattaya for a b
  8. Forget now the exact cost, but I think a regular letter from Pattaya to the U.S. is around 30 baht or so (less than $1 U.S.) but maybe an ex-pat there can give you the exact figure. The length of time it takes to get letters and packages varies...usually around 10 to 12 days has been my experience.
  9. This was asked about a month ago. Dr. David Pack in Pattaya was mentioned as one chiroprator who did good work on a few board members. Check out the thread for more info. on him...Chiropractor thread
  10. The city of Hua Hin is about 100 miles (?) southwest of Bangkok. If you use the link below,you'll see Pattaya is a little bit southeast of Bangkok, and Hua Hin is southwest of Pattaya on the opposite side of the Gulf of Thailand. Map of Thailand
  11. There is a library on Sukhumvit Rd...the following is from the Pattaya City Ex-Pat Club's newsletter: The North Star Library - Books, VCR Movies, Childrens programs and more "The NORTH STAR LIBRARY was established as a library for foreigers and Thai's. It has books covering all kinds of subjects, and in many languages. It is for you. The library is located on Sukhumvit Road, between Pattaya Central Road and North Pattaya Road, on the Pattaya Bay side of the road - look for the sign "North Star Library", next to the Redemptorist Center, and opposite the Index Furniture store. It is o
  12. There are so many View Talay projects around it can get confusing which is which, but in June I looked at View Talay Residence (I guess it was Number 1....#2 was 3/4 finished right next to #1?). Anyway, was looking into places to do a 12 month lease sometime early next year if all goes well, and I was really impressed. VT Residence was just the style and quality that interested me. They have a web site but the pictures on it don't do the place justice. I believe there is a View Talay Residence 3 and 4 also planned. Maybe by the time I'm ready to move, some of the people who bought to hold as a
  13. There are 44 reviews of the R.G. in the hotel review section, you could start there. The general consensus from people who have stayed there is that it's a good place, well-run, but a little off the beaten path for a 1st time visitor. I didn't think it was hard to get to and fro from there when I used the baht busses, but some found it inconvenient. If you like a little space, it's great since the bedroom is seperate from the living room, each with their own A.C.
  14. Cabbages and Condoms (don't let the name throw you...it's a very nice place) could work for you. It also has the best beach in the Pattaya/Jomtien area, IMO. Pricey, but it's your 40th B-Day, so splurge some, right? Cabbages and Condoms
  15. Received this email from China Airlines (for those who may be interested...)- June 25, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan Imagine sending and receiving e-mail on board an aircraft and performing on-line stock transactions, all while cruising at 36,000 feet. That dream is now possible, thanks to China Airlines and Connexion by Boeing¡∫s advanced technology. China Airlines has launched a groundbreaking new service that allows passengers to broadband access the Internet while on board selective CAL flights. In cooperation with Connexion by Boeing, China Airlines has installed its first-ever
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