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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by LosWetOne

  1. I was there in April 08 and the first time I walked in there I loved it this is not recent but just my experiance there. All the girls were awsome and the mamasan was very nice and very very helpful and the place was just very very welcoming and comfortable IMO. I loved the place. They realy made this Texas boy feel right at home. Great place. One of my new fav spots to chilax at while in pattaya and will be there in 40 days!! Hell yeah!
  2. Wow!! Schweetttttttttt pics I cant wait to giveyou guys a visit. Ya'll take care now.
  3. Since it opned I have stayed at the Dynasty there on soi 13 and that is my hotel of choice when I am Thailand and before that at the Dynasty Resort on the hill, but I have stayed at the white house 2 times in the deluxe suite. I liked the room. It was very nice. The reason I stayed there because I freind of mine stayed there and he told me the suites were nice. so that is why i stayed there. The room was kick ass. No problems with it. The times I have stayed there a bunch of friends stay there also. They also did not have any problems with the rooms. The rooms were great and the house keeping
  4. Great pics thank you for sharing... laterzz
  5. Hottttttt dayummmmmmmmmm that one fine senorita in the red shirt is stunning. Great pics brother and me and my buddies will be def be dropping by in October. Done got my ticket and will be there from October 4th to the 19th. Yeahhhhhh buddy. Adios amigo El Cookie AKA Robert AKA El Texas Boy dirving them Texas Toyz
  6. Is there a map on how to get there and is there any pics of it finished.
  7. Will missing it my freind but will give you a visit when I am back in town in October. Cant wait. laterzzzzz Robert
  8. Dayummmm I wish I was in Pattaya I would have been soooooooo there but I will be givng you a visit for sure in Ocotober. That Texas Boy AKA Cookie Robert
  9. Can some one please recommend a place to stay on Walking Street. I have been to Pattaya many times and have always stayed on Soi 13. Just got back like 3 weeks ago for some reason I really want to stay on Walking Street and I have not looked into it ,much less when I am there. I get all into the swing of things and partying. I have done the search on here but most of the info is very outdated well the info I found. Maybe there has been some new spots that have opened up. I want to be where all the action is . Some web links and maybe some phone numbers would be helpful. Please he
  10. I get to Pattaya April 3rd so right on time for the 5th party see you there Adam, Robert
  11. Great pics Adam!! See you next week partner hope all is well BTW, what is this young ladies name in the yellow? She is stunning wow
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