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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by bronto

  1. Any truth to the 1 am closings in Pattaya? I've heard that it is being enforced everywhere .
  2. Shane, will do. When I get settled, I will drop you a line here and we can arrange a meet . cheers
  3. I will be around at that time mate, and would be happy to sink a couple with you. Suggest a meeting point nearer the time . Not tried the FLB myself yet , so might be worth a look in?
  4. GP's don't have a clue about smaller islands ,etc They just tell you to watch the border / forest areas . Hep A is a good idea though, especially as it's free in England .
  5. Zidane, knowing my luck, I would probably get bitten WHILE riding Brittney bareback! Thanks for the replies. Really fancy giving this place a go , but can't be bothered / left too late to take anti- M tablets . I think I will give it a spin and take plenty sprays . 17 days and counting.
  6. Any ideas if Chang is a Mlarial area? An old ( '99) Lonely Planet guide says it is .
  7. Your Nationwide Flexaccount ( cheque guarantee/ debit card) is the only one you need for ATM'S . NO FEES AT EITHER END .
  8. Thanks for all your replies guys. I think I will give Koh Chang a try, it sounds nice .
  9. Strummer, with a name like that, you are obviously a man of great taste ( I assume a homage to God himself, RIP) I too am a massive fan. From my experience of the bars in Pattaya, you are probably going to be disappointed by the standard on offer. They mostly tend to be middle of the road types. Then again, Pattaya isn't famous for its rock bars and there is plenty to keep you busy . Would be interested if you found anywhere decent- let me know. I will keep an eye open when I arrive ( nov 4) By the way, do you remember the track ' walking street' by JS ? ( this will become relevant w
  10. After a few weeks of partying, I would like to find a nice quiet beach/ island where I can relax, get some sun and do a bit of swimming. ( not bothered about BG's for a few days ) Don't want to be disturbed by beach hawkers every 2 minutes. Can anyone recommend a decent place? Went to Samet before, which was nice, but still busy. Maybe there is a quieter side to the island ? Any tips would be appreciated.
  11. Thanks Doug for your reply and advice. 5 weeks and counting
  12. Many thanks Cyber. This seems to be the concensus, from the majority of differing views that I have read on this and other sites . I just didn't want to apply for my 60 dayer too early, and then find that even with the 30 day extention, I would be 'out of time' for staying 82 days. I will apply to Hull 2-3 weeks before my trip and keep everything crossed.
  13. Boys, Bit of advice please. I'm coming for 82 days from Nov 1 . I was going to get a 60 day tourist visa, then extend by 30 days once in LOS. Planned to send off my application about a month before travel.( from UK) Question is, the visa is apparently only valid for 3 months , so does it matter that this would have expired by the time that I will be 'extending' ? Or is this also extended as part of the deal ? maybe I'm worrying about nothing . cheers
  14. Bigmofo, nice one. Reading your other thread on Etihad, I see we are from the same kind of stable- I too am 6'6 and flying Eva this time. I have a few TG loose ends to tie up first and a first time mate coming for the first 2 weeks of Nov, but after that, any time . If you fancy checking out FLB about mid Nov, that'l do me . cheers Bronto
  15. Bigmofo, thanks for your support mate. ( and everyone else) I think we have made our point and can put this one to bed now . We can look forward to being a little more popular with the girls rather than the hoteliers. I'd be happy to buy you a beer anytime during our stay. I've not yet checked out the FLB bar, so might be worth a spin if its any good . cheers Bronto
  16. Nice balanced reply from our Aussie friend. The point I was TRYING to make was a lot of hotels just about double their rate for Xmas, etc , and how does that work if you get a monthly deal ? For some of us, trying to budget for a 3 month stay, a bit of planning is required . thanks for your valuable input
  17. Bigmofo, Irishman, thanks for your replies.I always stay at the Dynasty and enjoy it, but was going to try a couple of others for comparison,etc. As you say, best not to leave it too long. Trouble is, by road-testing a few, it will be mid-Nov and maybe too late . The monthly deal sounds good, but does that include Xmas and New Year? thanks guys
  18. Hi Guys. Coming for my 4th trip in Nov, but this time staying 3 months. Question is - Do ALL the hotels up their prices for Xmas and New Year ? Is it possible to arrange a long stay ( 1 month + ) and pay the monthly rate throughout all of December, or will they make additions to cover the peak days ? All advice welcome .I usually stay around Soi 13 and would like to do so again as long as they aren't going to sting us too much . cheers
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