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Everything posted by LocalYokul

  1. oops, I meant her sister Sara from Roseanne
  2. the pix was pretty funny
  3. first noticed this guy in a football movie, can't remember the name, but he was FAF in it : Rhys Ifans
  4. Una Damon was pretty cute in that
  5. mostly unknowns in that great movie, except for : Famke Janssen
  6. that was her WORST, jeez Liam Neeson
  7. back when he was handsome & young The 13th Warrior is the last thing I saw him in
  8. A. Bassett was in "What's Love Got to do with it ?" the guy in the role of Ike T. was mr. burnt fish Laurence Fishburne
  9. mr. burnt fish Laurence Fishburne
  10. it would've been impossible to select Halle Berry as she was NOT in Passenger 57, it was some other way hotter African American gal speaking of which Angela Bassett was in Strange Days
  11. Hong was the evil dude in Big Trouble in Little China Art of War, yuck, one of Wesley Sniper's worst
  12. James Hong this should be a pretty good clue as to what other film he was in :
  13. you're talking about the Flash Player which is sort of a pain in the ass for 64-bit browsers still also, i-Phone does NOT support Java in any of it's releases, including the soon to be released i-Phone 4/4G isn't today the release date in North America ? one thing i-Phone does have however is UMTS/HSDPA in both 1.9 & 2.1 Ghz, which would be necessary if I wanted to use 3G both here & in North America
  14. kind of a B-Movie strike out we're on now, LOL the pic is of the lead role, Billy Pilgrim
  15. I know a few who try to use their i-Phone in place of a laptop, so they will surely try to do the same with an i-Pad when they get one
  16. I must be a f'in genius then, as I sometimes make that mistake, LOL Have a good'un guys.
  17. Andy Warhol did one with her that lived up to it's name :
  18. yeah, I think the menu items were Sandwich w/o lettuce & Sandwich with Lettuce I am still laughing about guys who say Loy/Loi instead of Roy/Roi as it's meant to be said The L is pure Lao/Eesahn dialect, LOL ever hear a Korean say "Leary ?" when asking if what you said was true ?
  19. pretty sure it was his debut, yes Christopher Lee
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