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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About ahainu

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  1. Das Wirtshaus is a very good German restaurant for home made food. It was build up by Gerhard (Soi 31). A little difficult to find, even if it is located close to BigCE.
  2. When teeing of from a space station: Absolutely correct :)
  3. You are doing like me! When you have to drive on the left side, it lasts two days until I mix up left and right :) Thanks for your advice, I'm going to check it! //Edit: Now I'm sorry, I mixed up the Italian and Irish flag Totally confused :frustrated ahainu
  4. Almost perfect in upswing, unfortunally hips did not turn to 45° position. So follow through won't point (him) to the target rotlfl ahainu /Edit: The best golf photo, I really EVER saw - will print it out /Edit II: What's that funny coil on his shaft ???
  5. Hi, I arrive Dec. 1st, 6:20 am at BKK int. and I am about to book a taxi, now. Does anybody like to share the car with me? cu ahainu
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