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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by thunder367

  1. these are the best airlines to use as they take u fro mone plane to the next no problems if she flew in to london it would be best u met her there otherwise she would have problems transfering http://www.qatarairways.com/global/en/homepage.html http://www.etihadairways.com/sites/etihad/...atewayPage.aspx with these u walk off the plane and on the other side of the terminla is ur connection oppisite http://www.emirates.com/uk/english/and she maybe lucky to fly on the new a380 with these guys as they are flying to bkk with it from june and back to dubai.sadly not to manchester in i
  2. qatar airlines have offer on the other week i looked to go from the 1st of march till the end of march they where quoting £406return mornuing flight out 2 stop over gets u in to bkk for about 7.30am then a night flight back to manchester with a 3 hour stop over on the way back. they have speacial offers on now from £400 from manchester just go to http://www.qatarairways.com/uk/en/special-...manchester.html
  3. i use qatar all the time as the prices are the best around.ok the airport is been made bigger but when u are only on the ground fora hour or just over i do not care.plus in in the flyers club done 3 return flights to bkk and gone from burgundy to silver member in about 12 months will redem them later on for a upgrade or a free flight for me and my thai g/friend. i fly to bkk every 6 months so will soon have enough miles for 2 free flights.plus i can carry more wieght aswell when u get ur up grade on the club card
  4. i have just returned from thailand.i flow from manchester had 4 seats to my self to doha then had 2 sets to myself to bkk.the meals where nice and if ther was any going spare u could have extra,the flight back from bkk with my thai lady aswell was fully booked but once on the flight to manchester we had extra seats to ourself.u get your own tv screen with games to play good selection of movies aswell.i paid 407 for the return flight whic is the cheapest i have paid for a flight to thailand.also the chnger over is good at the most it is 2 hours from landing to taking off again.but just take not
  5. all i can say is that u get ur lady to vist as many agents as possible and to hagal with the 1s who give a good deal on the price.plus have u sorted any medical insurance out for her vist as a friend had his lady over for 6 months she had a few lady problems.so he phoned the doctor to see how much it would cost and was told £80 an hour.i am bring my lady back so if u have any info where i can get some medical insurance for her plz let me know plz
  6. i have booked a flight to bkk on the 17th june arrive on the 18thjune to return on the 4th july. but i may need to change that date. does any1 know how much the airline wil charge for the change of the return date say 2 days later.
  7. has anyone got a cheap number so i can ring thailand i have been using dial a round for this the last year or so.on this number for mobiles 0844 462 4747.nut i am having problems getting through so any1 got any other number i could try and hopefully more successful
  8. has any1 got any info on the new airport and what date it will be operating and which airlines will be using it.have heard through other forms it could be june july time.as once it is open it will be only a hout to pattaya which will be a lot better for all of us
  9. i have paid 409 to fly out on the 17th june with qatar airways have used them before and this time they get me into bkk at 7.30 am which is handy when i have to travel to pattaya.
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