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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About eycplUK

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  • Birthday 01/17/1948

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  1. Local news on BBC in the UK showing baht rate as 45 to £ ( Bank Rate ) Torist F/X rate showing as about 42 to £ . Whats rate in pattaya at the mo ?
  2. Have just been doing a check on the Manchester Airport website for info on the train station and saw details of the terminals showing smoking areas !! just in T1 & T2 at the moment but T3 expected to follow suit soon . Apparently you go through Check-in , security etc then into the departure lounge and the Smoking Area is situated near the Food Court , it`s an outside area so no bother to non smokers . Good to see some sense at last from an airport in the UK , loads of smokers were using the toilets so this will be better than breaking the law !
  3. Just wondered if , what we called , the Soup Kitchen was still going ? Was at the left hand side of the coach park at the ladyboy show , opposite soi3/4 ish ? Has some kitchens run by different folks , our fav was the first one from the road side as you went in ! Did an excellent Red Snapper also some fantastic Lobster :) MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! Had some great laughs as the Girls (?) from the show used to come there for food and drinks during the shows , some interesting sights we have seen there ! Was cheap prices when we were last there and hope it`s still open as will be staying on soi 3
  4. Just been reading some reviews on the new terminal on skytrax and most seem to be impressed although some initial niggles to begin with , just like most new places i suppose ! Will do a review after my there & back through it :)
  5. When us smokers read threads like this we always get that "Smug" feeling !! At least we can say it`s the fags that give us a cough ! :)
  6. Touch down in a couple of weeks and THE Boss wants me to take some photo`s of the grandkids to have painted while i am there ! Any reccomendations ? preferences ? Oil? Watercolours? Pastels etc ? Staying in soi 3 so somewhere local to that would be good but Hey-Ho , wherever is best ! Cheers
  7. Nobody used it yet then ? I will in 25 days time ! :)
  8. Just spotted this post ...... thats my flight time and A380 on May 1st !! A380 on all legs and , hopefully using the new "A" Terminal :)
  9. Hi All , Anybody flown through the new A380 dedicated terminal at Dubai since it opened ? Seems it`s just for the A380`s and should , hopefully , make the transit a bit easier :) We Hope :)
  10. Friends of ours flew the emirates 777- /// -er and got the 2 seat config at the rear of plane , said it was an improvement on the 3 seat jobby ! apperntley there is just 3 rows with doubles and have a lot more space ! might be worth a look on seat guru etc........ C
  11. Cheers m8 looking forward to the flight One question , what was the boarding procedure like ? C
  12. Thoughts, observations always helpfull and appreciated C
  13. Bloody Hell ! if Chris took his shoes off the room would soon be empty PDQ ! L
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