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About anley

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    Advanced Poster
  1. Of course it's direct, non-direct is for losers.................
  2. Just booked for late October £447.40 with EastWest on Eva. Looks like a fair deal to me, not too much but then again not too little either......
  3. The other problem I have with the 'remember you are a guest in their country.........' rubbish is that it's incredibly cynical because as a sex-tourist you are THE worst kind of guest possible. So next time anyone sprouts it, please don't be so hypocritical and say it like it really is; 'Remember you are a guest in their country so respect their religions and customs, however also don't forget that you are a dirty sex-tourist and THE overriding reason you visit this wonderful kingdom is to take advantage of the incredibly cheap sex offered by the country's large collection of whores.'
  4. Mandarin, spanish, arabic... Yeah, sure they've got a chance in taking over English. Most people who speak those languages are peasants, especially the Chinese and the Spanish. Population numbers have nothing to do with it, English is too encroached in the business/power/politics world to be unseated. Sort of like the QWERTY keyboard, we all know it's inefficient and there are keyboard designs far better out there but it's impossible for them to catch on. If you're Chinese, Spanish (speaking) or an Arab get learning English, or get left behind speaking your mother tongu
  5. Just out of interest, do you also regard yourself as a 'guest' in any foreign country that you visit? For example, if you've been to England did you say; 'remember c5vette you a guest in this country and you should respect its religion, customs and people' If you did or do say that then you're one weird puppy, so why pander so much to thailand with this so over-used ridiculous statement? PS. Not our fault that English is now THE global language, blame it on America and the power of money/commerce. Also if you don't speak English these days you're going to be left behind, just
  6. I like that recent post on stickman's site where the educated and well read chap says learning thai is a complete waste of time. His arguement is simple, everyone that matters generally speaks english (read, hookers) and if you do learn the language what exactly are you going to talk about/use it for? Politics, world peace, business cycles, history, places of interest around the world? Hardly, your conversations in thai will be as stupid and pointless as the ones you're having at the moment.
  7. Don't buy in Thailand. Buy the special offers that you see in your local high street/shopping mall. Cheaper and guaranteed not to be snide. I came to this conclusion the other day when I was shopping in town. Some fantastic deals in UK shops at the moment.
  8. Ray No you don't look a criminal, you look good and so does your family. In general however people with ink in my humble opinion don't look so good but each to their own. And if you can make good money from a Tat business then go for it, you are your own advertsing so to speak.
  9. The trouble is with having Tattoos is twofold; 1) You WILL always regret having them at some stage in life (have you seen how bad they look when 20+ years old for example), and 2) They instantly label 98% of people who have them as extremely low class, especially if they have them on their forearms, hands or the worst, neck. And before you all flame me, I'm only stating the obvious.......... PS. If you must have them then do yourself a favour, DO NOT get fashionable ones because yes you may well be the first to get them, set the trend so to speak but then a few years down the
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