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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by wrassell

  1. Not quite as good as Venice Beach in LA, but I doubt I could sit and have a beer along Venice Beach for half a buck.
  2. found some entresting photos on the Nasa web site this one clearly shows the airport. I put some lables to show you all where everything is at Cheers
  3. I thought it was a waste of time to register these sim cards. If terrorist want to detinate a bomb using a mobile phone I don't think it would be that hard to find an unregistered phone or give out false information when purchasing a card. Also there are many other ways to detonate a bomb aside from using a mobile phone. Terorist wanting to do this aren't even going to be slowed down because sim card registrations. As far as getting cut off I heard a bunch of phones were slated to be shut down soon. I don't know if they have already done this or not
  4. Dangerious vehicles in order of most dangerious first. 1 Bycicle 2 motor bike with enexperienced driver 3 motor bike taxi 4 drunk on a motor bike 5 motor bike with experienced driver 6 Baht bus 7 mini bus 8 regular taxi 9 big bus 10 train 11 water buffalow (old) 12 cement truck with bad brakes Do I sense a pecking order here. You are smallest and the slowest. be careful. You will be viewed as a nusance by most people on the road.....
  5. You will have no problem finding a place to live here in Pattaya as there are many neighborhoods that fit your description. A google search of Pattaya property rentals should net you some good results. The Pattaya Mail website has a pretty good classifieds section, many brokers list here and therefore their listings will be somewhat higher but using their services may be a good way to get started.
  6. The worst part of comming to pattaya is leaving. Just about all you will think about is how your going to get back. You will start thinking not in terms of dollars but in Pattaya money, things like that would buy 10 beer changs or thats 3 bar fines or this is 5 massages. Before long you will even be able to do these conversions in your head. Seriously though Thailand is a wonderful place to live, cost of living is low, the climate is great, and the best part in my opinion are the Thai people themselves. Cheers
  7. Hey folks I still have Krispy Kreme calanders here for your downloading enjoyment, just right click, save and it's yours. Even better you can have a free trial of the new inside the monitor washer, I bet most of you did'nt know the inside of your monitor can get just as dirty as the outside so click the link below and lets keep it clean.... Free trial of "inside the monitor washer" a must have! I am not the author of the washer but here below as promised is your Krispy Kreme calander
  8. Seems Publish America, the Publisher of this book, are the scammers here. They fill would be aspiring authors with a bunch of hype. It isn't the author that is at fault, it is the publisher that is running the scam. A google search of Publish America will tell you all you need to know. The first link below is one site that has quite alot of reading about them. With the reviews on the Publish America website disapearring like they do you never know what to think, it could be a good book, but we will never know now, unless of coarse the author finds another publisher or manages to get his book o
  9. It wouldn't bother me about this guys canned meat posting on this website so much, but when i go to their website and see the reviews being fixed it makes me angry. That in itself tells me that they are dishonist....I have been folowing this thread and i have seen many times the bad reviews have dissapeared like a fart in the wind. I know one thing for sure I will never buy from this company ever A migrants tale
  10. There is a pretty good map that has just started to show up at some of the news stands and book stores for 150B. I have looked at it and it looks to me to be the most accurate map thus far.
  11. Never had any problems always pay 10B for me and 5B for Telack i give the driver a ten and a five I say to them "OK nah" the they say "OK nah cup". Giving them fifteen lets them know you know and they know that you know that you know you could make a stink about the situation so then they know it is better to let sleeping dogs lie especially here in Thailand. Never done this with a twenty caus I know i would never get change back this I know. Life is so complicated here.
  12. Well I would like to say that this time the spam back fired, I will certianly not buy his book and neither will any one else that I know. Glad Soi7 exposed this guy early on good work man.
  13. Ahhh a good nights sleep and sober I am. All they want at the embassy is your money and a properly filled out application unless your a real scuzz ball you shouldn't have any problems. You can get this application here The Royal Thai Embassy . They list all their locations and you can download application forms in PDF format. This is the real Thai embassy there are many services that look like the embassy that process applications at sometimes a real hefty profit, you don't need them. The easiest one year Visa is the one year multiple entry type "O" or "other", the "B" for business is more com
  14. Yep entry stamp at airport or border crossing, man am i ever drunk suhiorry. but seriously get a one year multiple entry type "O" ( "O" is for other) gives you three months each visa run for a year, do a visa run just before the year is up and cha-ching you have another 3 months plus 30 day extension, on top of a year, for a grand total of one year and 4 months. You get this visa in your home country not here. I am not the genius here, this math has been worked out many times before.....Within this year you should be able to work out a job etc etc. man am i ever drunk. The last thing, don't wo
  15. This is not the place for your canned meat, we appreciate you wanting to promote your business. I'm drunk now got to get my beauty sleep. Soi7 is right about all your stuff, wouldn't be so bad if it were a good book. and you want us to pay for it tooooooo. Hell I havn't even read "Money Number One" yet and I met the author at the Alamo Bar on Soi 8, stand in line bud. I am so drunk. sorryt
  16. Just thinkin, I live on the other side of Sukinvit and the cost is really much less. Of coarse most of us like a seaview, but I have setteled for a garden and two bedrooms of a regular house for about half that you would pay close to the beach. Also tall buildings scare me, I come from California. But really I think I just like to having earth under my feet. I also have transportation, like all Californians, so to boogie on down to the beach is no big deal, and I do like the beach, but then again I always run the risk of a motorbike accident. Bad thing and the real thing here, not like hollyw
  17. I had my bank account cleaned out by the state of california because they thought i owed them money, it is good to have backup. You never know, American banks ? not as safe as you may think. Even so if you have someone back home who can help you out if you get into a jamb then you are OK,, they can always send you money with Western Union, very expensive though. As far as cost let me think a bit to see if i can do Pattaya on seven a day, OK thinking is over yep i can do. Have Fun, I just wish it were my first comming to Pattaya.
  18. I agree with both of you Dizzy = 19 Beer Chang = 36 hour recovery in a cool hotel room with lots of water and your good to go 35,000 Baht = 875 dollar US, for a hangover believe me they would have milked you till the cows came home, you lucky you are here where they are so honest....
  19. Been there two times since I have been in Thailand, they take you in imediatly, no hassel, good staff good doctors etc. Pricey yea maybe a little, but I would have paid ten times that in the US, and bill colectors would still be after me and after me for the rest of my life. I have heard many good things about the Queens hospital in Sattihip, I have been told it is a very good hospital. I did go to the hospital in Banglumung got five stitches for a nice gash over my eye, service was good and only cost me 400Baht. Shit man the motor bike taxi almost cost me that much, (round trip it was 4 i
  20. Yea that's me,,, the ladies on the chat are always telling me how handsome I am, and that's not even mentioning the ladies on Soi 6,,,,,but here is a picture when I was really in my prime Remember folks I still have a few Krispy Kreme calanders left
  21. eer oh um I am over whelmed yea thats it.
  22. I always say jump on the motor bike and look for for rent signs
  23. These folks are way high on their prices. At first I thought that they were not updating their site, but found they were selling 3.2gig machines so the edits can't be that old. Example Bangkok Computers sell 17" monitors starting at 16,500, locally here in Pattaya can be had for around 10,000 If they are that proud of their stuff they can keep it I found a site long ago that can help you guage prices Price Watch. Prices here in Thailand seem to run about 5 to 10 percent more, but in the US you add about 8 percent sales tax Another site if you want reviews on the latest gr
  24. Computer goodies cost a little more here but not much. I bought my computer at Com City. I am not going to lug a computer on the airplane with me to save a few measly dollars. Lastly it wouldn't be very convienient to ship my computer overseas for warranty. I get my warranty here and now..... Yes some vendors in Thailand don't even understand the word garrantee in Thai or English much less back up their product. But I was pretty lucky with my purchase. Had some bad memory and they fixed it right away. My conclusion; buy it where youre going to use it.
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