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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by ellobo

  1. Sunny, Are you going to have it available in your bar? ellobo
  2. I need some help installing a copy of Autodesk Map 3D onto my computer. There are two parts of the carack instructions that I do not understand. Step 3. import network_lic.reg to your reg And, the next to the last part in step 5. in Path to the debug log file browse : 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\debug.txt' *****make the debug .txt into 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\'***** Thanks for any help that you can provide. ellobo The crack instructions read as follows. unzip to your hardrive then run setup.bat then
  3. Being a potential condo buyer in a year or so, I am finding this thread very interesting. One thing that I am noticing is that most everyone advising against owner ship are non-owners and most everyone favoring ownership are owners. Are there any owners out there that have had a bad experience with ownership? ellobo
  4. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Chill my man. There are a lot of people on this and most boards who are full of themselves. It says more about them than us. It doesn’t mean that everything they say is bad or wrong. Big Chief, consider your ass un-kissed. ellobo
  5. I have added this topic to the wiki. Right now it is under “Topic 1”. Pete would you consider moving this to “Expats” with its own heading? Thanks. el
  6. The harder you work the luckier you get. Congratulations Big Chief and continued success. Your attitude started off a little harsh, but what information you and Gary subsequently provided is sufficient and valuable. I do not blame you for wanting to protect your sources, I would do the same. You are also quite the linguist, English, Thai, and Pig Native American. ellobo
  7. I thought coffee was breakfast. And I think Mont should be given a warning for posting such obscene matter in the general chat. Where is one of those control freaks when you need them?
  8. Time for an up-date. I went back to AT&T, this time the main, and I think a real AT&T store, and yes they have a couple of Tri-bands but the ones they had available had cameras and I did not want a camera in my phone. So I decided to hit E-Bay. I did a lot of research and decided on the Nokia 6610 from about four that met my criteria. I noticed that a couple of other members have these also. I purchased one for $178.50 US, new, unlocked, in the box with all of the accessories, and shipping and insurance. That is about 6960 baht at today’s rate. BTW, I picked up a flyer fr
  9. Thanks me Lord. But often when I go to LOS I stop over in LA for a week or so and I want to have a phone there. I do not want to take my US phone and then have to carry it back and forth and have it useless in LOS. The convince of a tri-band would be very helpful. Hell, isn’t that why they make the damn things? EL
  10. I have a question with a little different twist. But first I would like to thank Valentinoxxx for all of his effort and all of the others who have contributed to this thread. It is a great thread as can be witnessed by the number of hits. My situation. With this thread and some of my own research, I thought that I pretty much had this thing figured out. So in the US I have AT&T, and low and behold, they do not use SIM cards. They are hard-wired in the phone. I went to my att guy and the tri-band phones that they have available are 1900, 1800, and 850. Not suitable for SEA.
  11. Be careful about that 350 bhat ride. We stated at the dynasty in bkk but did not want to stay at the dynasty in pty. We ask how much for their bus to pty. They said 350 and they said to make arrangements with the little travel booth in the rear of the building. It turns out that it was that hotel shuttle that you can get at any travel agency. The problem with that shuttle is that they stop at all of these places to pick up people and it takes about four hours to get to pty. Not worth it in my mind. Just walk across the street to the nana parking lot and get an air con taxi fo
  12. of humor …I do not know who does. Off the net. > AIRLINE HUMOR > > > Never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints by Quantas pilots and the corrective action recorded by mechanics. By the way Quantas is the only major airline that has > never had an accident. P stands for the problem the pilots entered in the log. S stands for the corrective action taken by the mechanics. > > P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement. > S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.
  13. Derek , there is a net place just to the left of the Flipper Lodge on Soi 8 (that is the Flipper nearest the bay) as you are entering the Flipper, just on the other side of Flipper’s driveway. I think that it is called Soi 8 Internet and it is right next to the BB. He will let you load your software onto his computers and down load. He will even find your software if you forget it. He will also burn your pics onto a CD if you want. I think it was 250 bhat. EL
  14. Ok, let’s try it again. After reading some other posts, it looks like you have to have “/pics” in the path. Here are the instructions. No mention of “/pics” 1) http://www.freelancerbar.com/ 2) your user name/ 3) the name of your photo file. So, if I (PattayaPete) was to upload a photo called Sexyas44567.jpg, it's Internet address would be - http://www.freelancerbar.com/PattayaPete/S...Sexyas44567.jpg As with all things computer, you must have the name exactly right, including UPPER and lower caSe LetTerS or it will not work. Start a new post somewhere on the board.
  15. Almost there. The first time I tried it, it did not work and I got the same error message. I went back into my profile and changed, “Name: This is the displayed name that people will see.” from el lobo to ellobo. Then it uploaded with no problem. I now have two albums. You might want to delete the one with no pics. Next problem. I can not get the photos to post. Have looked at the paths very carefully. EL
  16. Did what you said and tried it with no luck. Even put it higher, on the Desktop, as Harvey recommended earlier. Tried every combination that I could think. Same error message each time. Also tried to load a file larger than 125K and a bitmap (bmp) file just to see what would happen. Got the same error message each time as before. EL
  17. I have tried two: wolf.jpg and meeting1.jpg The "meeting1" is one that I had previously up-loaded onto the old board. I am using it as a test because I know that it is a valid picture. EL
  18. When I try to up-load a photo I get, ERROR: Line 3740 Failed basic sanity test: Naughty naughty! Are you trying to hack me? ??? What am I doing wrong please?
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