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Dirty Dave

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Everything posted by Dirty Dave

  1. Here's the jetstar web release for those who are interested Jetstar Airways Pty Limited ABN 33 069 720 243 1 23 November 2006 Melbourne (2 pages) Jetstar goes global with first long haul international flights Qantas Group valued based airline Jetstar has commenced its long haul international operations with its first flight taking off from Melbourne to Bangkok. Representing an exciting new direction for both the airline and aviation, Jetstar is bringing choice to international long haul air travel as one of two strong brands for the future of Qantas. Jetstar Flight JQ29 was
  2. Try Jetstar.com.au dont know what dates they are flying, but cant hurt to check.
  3. Emirates is nice, although as other posters have pointed out the restricted part of the ticket is if you dont go, no money back and no date change type stuff - usually restricted to special fares such as promotions - "TV" Deals and that type of stuff. Fantastic ticket but YOU are going on the date on the ticket or not at all basically.
  4. Whoops, me to excited, press send early Sorry! Jetsar will only be flying from Christchurch at the moment, especially as Qantas wants to make a loss on the Auk - Syd run so as to get their code share agreement with Air NZ through both NZ and Aus regulators, It may later fly from Auckland depends on the outcome of the code share request, flyer demand and the holy $$$$$$$$$$$. As a Kiwi, how much does it cost on Air NZ link to Christchurh?? Prolly cheaper to go to Christchurh and fly Jetstar Via Aus then any other way.
  5. Thanks for the reply Tayug!! Jetstar is a subsidiary of Qantas, Qantas doesent want it "muscling in" on highly profitable Qantas routes so it will fly from places like Christchurch and Avalon (o/s Melbourne) on routes that would be marginal for a full service airlline. so as to make a larger profit for the parent group Qantas. Remember if flying Jetstar to set aside extra $ for food, pillows and movies. Also check your conditions of flying EXTENSIVELY as they will probably be very restrictive - No date change, no name change on group bookings etc. But all said and done it is F
  6. BKK Return $492 Source Flight Centre Newsletter - Flying Jetstar. Dont know about the Melbourne One - I think it may have been an error in the newsletter. Phuket Return $358 - Jetstar, same source. Also Good deals to Ho Chi Min, Bali.
  7. Jetstar will be flying to BKK too, $319. from sydney. Melbourne - BKK $199. (This may not be the correct price as all other BKK fares from Aus and NZ are in the $300) Source: Jetstar Newsletter
  8. No Idea - sorry, just cruising the fares and dreamin.............
  9. $536 not including taxes Return from Sydney on Zuji.com.au China Airlines 11pm Sunday 4/6/05
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